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Street Sweeping

Scheduled street sweeping has ended. 

Street sweeping keeps our community clean and safe by removing the dirt, metals, petroleum products, garbage and vegetation that regularly collects on our streets and paths. Keeping the storm drains clear not only helps to reduce pollution, but also reduces the likelihood of flooding during heavy rains.

Current Street Sweeping Schedule

The regular street sweeping schedule runs from March to September.  Use the map below to find your street sweeping schedule.

Help Maintain Clean Streets and Drains in San Rafael

Though we make every effort to clean storm drains and heavy leaf-fall areas prior to significant fall and winter storms, residents are encouraged to help keep all drains free from heavy collections of leaves. Fallen leaves can be added to home compost bins, used as flowerbed mulch or deposited in green waste containers for removal.

How can you do your part?

  • Rake, then compost or bag leaves for recycling
  • Don't sweep materials into the streets or along curbsides
  • Remember to move your car on street sweeping day


  • Dispose of yard waste and leaves by composting or using your green cart. There is no extra service charge for using up to two additional carts or paper bags – 32 gallons or smaller. You can also rent an additional 64-gallon green cart from Marin Sanitary Service.
  • Rain storms can happen anytime of the year! If your home is in the path of runoff, get sandbags and keep plywood, plastic sheeting, and lumber on hand to divert water and debris.
  • The schedule may change due to storms, emergencies, maintenance or personnel issues

If you have any questions or inquires regarding street sweeping, please contact us via this form:

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