Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (CBPP)
Project contact
Big Changes are in progress: Please keep checking this site for updates!
Project goals
- Making San Rafael an excellent place to walk and bicycle and reduce overall carbon emissions by increasing the number of residents who walk and bike
- Gather public input to help identify and guide investments in pedestrian and bicycle facilities over the next 5 to 10 years
The City engaged the Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee as the lead group of members of the public to guide the effort. Additionally, design firm Alta Planning & Design hired for the updating of the 2011 Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan. The planning process was very dependent on public engagement and outreach. It was essential that the process incorporated the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, motor vehicle drivers, the business community, neighborhood groups, etc. To this end, resources were devoted to community engagement activities intended to establish and nurture support for the plan update, ensuring the plan reflected community aspirations.
Also critical to the plan update process was a deep dive into existing and potential safety hazards discouraging bicycle and pedestrian trips. Alta’s analysis focused on safety as the primary concern of San Rafael residents and workers.
As a final product, Alta produced a graphically-appealing final plan that provides a clear framework to guide our bicycle and pedestrian investments over the next 5-10 years. This approach will help position us to successfully leverage funding from multiple sources, including county and state/federal-level grant programs.