2025 Public Service Award Nominations are open! 


Downtown Parking/Wayfinding Study

Building off the work from the 2012 Downtown Station Area Plan vision for the ½ mile radius around the Downtown SMART Station, the goal of this Downtown Parking & Wayfinding study is to develop policy goals to support a vibrant, gateway area through parking and wayfinding in anticipation of our future needs related to SMART.

Key Elements of the Study

  • Review and map existing public and private parking conditions
  • Conduct surveys
  • Review current bicycle parking and pedestrian network
  • Develop wayfinding concepts
  • Analyze existing zoning and development standards
  • Project future parking demand generators


Your Input Counts

Public outreach was conducted as part of the study in order to build awareness of the project's purpose, need and anticipated benefits, solicit input on issues and priorities, and engage the array of interests. 

  • Stakeholder meetings: 2016-Mid 2017
  • Advisory Committee on Economic Development and Affordable Housing: Summer 2017
  • Planning Commission: January 2018
  • City Council: January 2018
  • Design Review Board: TBD

Project Overview

The study was designed to use the “Downtown Station Area Plan,” completed in 2012, as a baseline for a more detailed analysis of current public and private parking utilization and design, and to explore anticipated future parking needs and transit ridership as a result of the Downtown SMART train station. 

The study will also provide an implementation strategy for maximizing parking supply/availability, and options for a revitalization of wayfinding and related aspects of travel to and around Downtown.

Additional Resources

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