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Snapshot – Eviction Moratorium, Public Art, Labor Agreements, & More

Posted on June 17, 2021

Photo of a pride flag flying on the City Hall pole

Mayor Kate cuts the ribbon on this year’s San Rafael Summer Farmers’ Market which continues on Thursday evenings on Fourth Street through the summer. Mayor Kate is joined by Councilmember Kertzand representatives of the Agricultural Institute of Marin, Chamber of Commerce, Business Improvement District, and me. 
Photo Credit: Mike Wolpert 

Last Quiz Question

Congrats to Chase Sambell for being the first to correctly respond to our mystery photo in the last Snapshot Quiz. The photo featured was of our Public Works team performing roadside clearance for wildfire safety along the shoulder of Highway 580. Did you know that you can get a free fire hazard assessment of your home? Check out our Fire Department’s page for more on fire safety, active fire reduction projects, and emergency preparedness. Congratulations Chase and thanks for reading Snapshot!   

Scroll down for this week’s quiz and be the first to answer.  

San Rafael City News

Eviction Moratorium Considered Through September 2021 

The pandemic may be winding down in California and things are beginning to seem normal again, but housing displacement remains a concern in San Rafael and Marin County as a whole. Based on the applications for rental assistance received by the County, it is clear that a high percentage of those facing the rental debt crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic live within San Rafael. On Monday, June 21, the City Council will consider adopting an urgency ordinance that continues to bar residential evictions in San Rafael through September 30, 2021 for people economically impacted by the coronavirus.

Final Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022   

On Monday evening, the City Council will review a report of the final proposed citywide budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22, beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022. Thapproval for the proposed budget follows the initial presentation and public discussion from the June 7, 2021 City Council meetingin addition to presentation of the preliminary Capital Improvement Program at the May 3, 2021 City Council meeting. The final proposed budget report includes

  • The status of FY 2020-21 budget performance 
  • Proposed Goals and Objectives for FY 2021-22 
  • Proposed operating and capital budget presented for all City funds for FY 2021-22 
  • FY 2021-22 Appropriations Limit

Proposed Public Art Installations 

Earlier this year the City Council approved amendments to our public art process. The Canal Arts Initiative (CAI), a group of local volunteers and community based organizations serving the Canal neighborhoodis part of the Pilot Public Arts program, a one-year pilot program that aims to make it easier for artists and social justice organizations to use public or private space for expression through murals, sculptures, and other art projects around San Rafael. On Monday evening, the City Council will hear an informational report on the Canal Arts Initiative’s planto use grant funding from the California Arts Council to install a large colorful mural at 3301 Kerner Boulevard in the Canal neighborhood.  

The Council will also hear an update on the San Rafael Social Justice Community Art (SJCA) Group project proposed for Arbor Park in Terra Linda. The selected artist has proposed to co-create the art piece with a group of youth. The SJCA group’s partner, Youth in Arts (YIA), has recently issued a process for youth to apply to be part of the “C Street: Untitled project.  

At the conclusion of the 2021 pilot, staff will evaluate the process that the two public art projects went through and will develop recommendations for the next iteration of the program to be established in early 2022. 

Short & Long Term Solutions for San Rafael’s Unhoused 

On Monday June 7th, the San Rafael City Council approved a set of new actions  to proactively address homelessness in our community over the coming days, weeks, and months. Learn about the creative solutions we plan to take over the next year to support those who are unhoused in our community.  

Approval of the Labor Agreements 

Over the past several months, representatives of the City have met with the San Rafael Police Association (SRPA) and the San Rafael Firefighters’ Association (SRFA) to negotiate terms for a renewed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which outlines salary and benefit increases over the next three years.  

At Monday’s City Council meeting, the Council will consider adopting an MOU pertaining to compensation and working conditions for the SRPA through June 30, 2024. A tentative agreement for the SRPA was discussed earlier this month at the June 7, 2021 Council meeting.

Also during Monday’s City Council meeting, the City Council will discuss a proposed employee labor agreement with the SRFA. The SRFA represents 67 employees in the San Rafael Fire Department.  

Baypoint Lagoons & Point San Pedro Landscape Median Assessment Districts 

The City Council will hold public hearings for the Baypoint Lagoons Landscaping and Lighting and the Point San Pedro Road Median Landscaping Assessment Districts. On June 7, 2021, the City Council approved resolutions, for Baypoint Lagoons and for the Point San Pedro Landscape Median, in accordance with this year’s Engineer’s Annual Report and assessment process. The Annual Engineer’s Report provides details of the assessment district, including: 

  • Landscaping and maintenance plans 
  • Cost estimates for proposed improvements to occur 
  • Assessment calculations

The proposed assessment for the Baypoint Lagoons Assessment District supports the maintenance of the lagoons, including vegetation removal, and improvements to the Cayes Stormwater Pump Station. 

The proposed assessment for the Point San Pedro Road Median Landscaping Assessment District funds the capital debt service associated with the medians, as well as supports ongoing operations and maintenance costs (such as landscaping, irrigation, and utilities). 

101 NB Central San Rafael Off-Ramp Bridge Replacement (Caltrans) – Complete Offramp Closure – Sunday, June 20th, 9:00 p.m. through Monday, June 21st, 8:00 a.m. 

Caltrans has been making steady progress on the off-ramp bridge replacement and the next phase of work will require modifications to the off ramp configuration in order to remove the existing bridge and install piles. Starting Sunday through July 2021, the 101 NB Central San Rafael exit will have a reduction in travel lanes from three lanes down to two lanes. This next phase of work will require a single night closure for the installation of striping and other associated bridge deck work. Starting Sunday, June 20th at 9:00 pm, Caltrans will be closing the entire off-ramp of the 101 NB Central San Rafael exit and will reopen no later than 8:00 a.m. of Monday, June 21st. 

Motorists are advised to drive with caution and follow all posted directional signs. Traffic advisories and detour routing options will be utilized to keep the public and all motorists updated, safe, and thoroughly informed. 

Our Boards & Commissions Have Vacancies! 

Interested in becoming more involved in your community? Serving on a board or commission is a great way to participate and have your voice heard. We currently have vacancies on the Planning CommissionDesign Review BoardFire CommissionBoard of Library TrusteesPickleweed Advisory Committee and the Special Library Parcel Tax Oversight Committee. This is a great opportunity to represent your community on things like the future of San Rafael, our environment, a new library facility, the Canal neighborhood’s interests, fire services, and more.  

Changes to Virtual Public Meetings 

As we start to emerge from the pandemic and the State is beginning to open up more widely, we will be making changes to how we conduct public meetings. In the interim period, before we are back to larger in-person meetings, we will have a new hybrid virtual public meeting model. Here’s how public commenting for City Council and Planning Commission meetings has changed: 

  • Public comment will no longer be received through YouTube live chat. 
  • Correspondence will need to be submitted by 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting to be published online and forwarded to the City Council. Any correspondence received after that deadline will be included with the record the following day.  
  • The City Clerk’s office will no longer read comments aloud into the public record.  

You can provide public comment by: 

  • Joining the Zoom webinar and use the ‘raise hand’ feature to provide verbal public comment. 
  • Dialing-in to Zoom’s telephone number using the meeting ID and provide verbal public comment. 
  • Submitting your public comment in writing before 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting. 


Low-Income Senior Tax Exemption

Low-income seniors are eligible for a reduction in property taxes through a parcel tax exemption from Measure C – the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority – parcel tax. To qualify, applicants must:

  • Be 65 years old, or older, by July 1 of any applicable tax year  
  • Own and occupy a single-family residence (house, condo, townhome) 
  • Household income is equal to or lower than the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) income limits used to determine eligibility for assisted housing programs  

Applications must be received or postmarked by June 30, 2021 to be considered for the 2021-2022 tax year.

TALES OF THE CITY “San Rafael Is Resilient” e-Newsletter Retired

san Rafael is resilient banner

After 100 email updates with over 294,000 opened emails, our public information team is discontinuing the regular Coronavirus status updates in alignment with the State’s reopening this weekOver a year ago, our public information team began supporting emergency related outreach as part of the City’s emergency response to the pandemic. Since then, the public infomation team has coordinated with the County of Marin Joint Information System, the City’s Emergency Operations Center, and interdepartmental teams to keep the community informed on the regional and state response to the changing conditions of the pandemic. During this time, the team created regular email updates, multilingual social media outreach, signage, and public noticing around public health guidelines and the availability of vaccines.  

We will continue coordinating with County of Marin Public Health officials as the State and the County continue to respond to the Coronavirus and will include pandemic-related information and updates in our regular outreach on the websitesocial media, and in these Snapshot newsletters.


Due to Executive Order N-29-20, we no longer offer an in-person meeting location for the community to attend public meetings. In an effort to provide remote community participation for our City Council meetings, we are piloting real-time virtual public comment on agenda items. 

At the June 7, 2021 regular City Council Meeting, the Council:   

  • Approved consent calendar items. 
  • Heard a special proclamation for LGBTQ+ Pride Month 
  • Heard a special proclamation for Juneteenth 
  • Accepted an informational report on status of Homelessness in San Rafael 
  • Adopted a resolution to provide funding for Housing First Case Management 
  • Accepted a report on the 2021-2022 Preliminary Citywide Budget 
  • Discussed and considered a Memorandum of Understanding pertaining to compensation and working conditions for San Rafael Police Association 

City Council meetings are held every first and third Monday of the month. City Council meetings that fall on a holiday are rescheduled for the following Tuesday. 


Marin Gun Safety & Marin Suicide Prevention Collaborative 

Thursday, June 17 | 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Zoom: Password 810263
Facebook Live Stream 

This event is hosted by Marin District Attorney, Lori Frugoli. Special guest speakers include: 

  • Tim Lea: Outreach Coordinator for Suicide Prevention for Buckelew Programs 
  • Jahmeer Reynolds: Marin County Cooperation Team Executive Director 
  • Dr. John Maa, MD: Immediate-Past Chief of General Surgery—Marin Health 
  • Sgt. Raul Aguilar: San Rafael Police Department 
  • Pastor Rondall Leggett: First Missionary Baptist Church, Marin County 

Local experts in their field will discuss how gun safety and gun violence impacts their work in Marin County. A survivor of suicide loss by firearm will also share her story—don’t miss it. Join the conversation to learn about how our community can increase our safety from gun violence. 

Free Movies in the Park

During the month of August, San Rafael Recreation will begin streaming movies in the park! Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, picnic/snacks and flashlight. 

  • August 6 | Albert J. Boro Community Center | Lion King  (In Spanish w/ subtitles) 
  • August 13 | Terra Linda Park | Finding Dory 
  • August 20 | Victor Jones Park | Moana 
  • August 27 | Gerstle Park | How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World 

Movies will begin 15 minutes after sunset. 

Falkirk Summer 2021 Juried Exhibition  

Tuesdays – Fridays | 1:00pm – 4:30pm
Falkirk Cultural Center – 1408 Mission Ave. San Rafael  CA 94901

The Juried Exhibition received 171 entries for the show, only 60 of which were selected for display. Visit the gallery in-person or online to view the artwork and vote through July 1st 

San Rafael Summer Market

Every Thursday  |  5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 

Take stroll down Fourth Street through San Rafael’s Summer Farmers’ Market every Thursday from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. between B Street & D Street. New and returning vendors will be selling seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables, honey, wine, baked goods, flowers, cured meats, and so much more.   

Shop local at the farmers market and then enjoy a meal at participating restaurants through Dining under the Lights 

Dine Under the Lights Every Thursday & Friday 

Treat yourself and support our local businesses! Enjoy 50+ participating restaurants, cafes, and bars with on-street alfresco dining under the sparkling lights in Downtown San Rafael through the West End Village! Make San Rafael your GO-TO spot on Thursdays & Fridays! Please check with your favorite businesses for hours and if reservations are advised. There are so many wonderful options for both dining and retail strolling. It is a great night out. 


Name this community recreation facility!

Pickleweed Park Soccer Field

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