The Housing Element

More than five decades ago, the State legislature declared that providing safe, decent housing for all Californians was a matter of vital statewide importance. Since 1969, each city and county in the state has been required to prepare a Housing Element showing how the community will help achieve this goal. The Housing Element is part of the General Plan, the policy document guiding our long-term growth and development. The Element presents the City’s strategy for meeting its housing needs and addressing local housing issues such as high costs, lack of supply, overcrowding, and homelessness.
The State of California requires a comprehensive update every eight years to respond to changing demographics, market conditions, and new State laws. All 101 cities and nine counties in the San Francisco Bay Area must adopt updated Housing Elements that will guide housing decisions through 2031.
About the 2023-2031 San Rafael Housing Element
The 2023-2031 San Rafael Housing Element has been certified! A link to the certification letter is provided below. Links to the final version of the adopted document are included following the next paragraph (May 15 Adopted Housing Element, with 6/7/23 Revisions)
On May 15, 2023 the San Rafael City Council adopted the 2023-2031 Housing Element. The adopted document was submitted for State certification on May 17, 2023. On June 1, 2023, the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) contacted the City and requested minor revisions to Programs 11 and 44 in the adopted document. These revisions were made and a revised document was published on June 7, 2023. Links to the final version of the Housing Element are provided below. Both a "clean" version and a "tracked change" version are included.
- May 15 Adopted Housing Element, with 6/7/23 Revisions
- May 15 Tracked Change Adopted Housing Element, with 6/7/23 Revisions
- Capítulo 6: Plan de acción para la vivienda (en español)
The tracked change version shows all edits to the document made after HCD issued its official findings on the Draft document on March 20, 2023. A link to HCD's findings letter is provided below. The second link below shows the City's responses to each comment. The comments are numbered for ease of reference--the numbers also appear in the Tracked Change document linked above.