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Housing Support Services

We do not provide direct housing financial or referral support services. These services are provided by the Marin County Health and Human Services Division, Marin Housing and local non-profit groups.

Community Partners

Legal Aid of Marin creates an equitable Marin by empowering the community through legal representation, advocacy and education to provide justice for all.

Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California (FHANC) provides free comprehensive fair housing counseling, complaint investigation, and assistance in filing housing discrimination complaints with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) or the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). FHANC is HUD certified to offer pre-purchase counseling and education programs, as well as foreclosure prevention counseling and workshops.

The Marin Housing Authority's goal is to assist low and moderate-income residents of Marin County and maintain high quality affordable housing.


Affordable Rental Housing (BMR Program)
Housing Assistance at Marin Housing -(415) 491-2550 (English/Español)
Ecumenical Assn. for Housing EAH -(415) 258-1800

Private Apartments in San Rafael with some BMR units

Affordable Ownership Housing (BMR Program)
Marin Housing -(415) 491-2550 (English/Español)

Federal Housing Assistance (incl. Section 8 vouchers)
Marin Housing -(415) 491-2525 (English/Español)

General Housing Information
County of Marin -(415) 499-6269

Housing Discrimination
Fair Housing of Marin -(415) 457-5025

Housing Habitability
San Rafael Code Enforcement -(415) 485-3097 (English),(415) 485-3445 (Español)

Landlord-Tenant Disputes
San Rafael Tenants Assn. Legal Aid of Marin - (415) 492-0230 (English/Español)

Ownership Rehab Information
Marin Housing -(415) 491-2550 (English/Español)

Section 8 Vouchers
Marin Housing -(415) 491-2525 (English/Español)

Short-term Housing Assistance -(415) 808-4357  or (800) 273-6222 (24-hours, all languages)

We do not provide direct assistance to individuals or families.  If you are in need of individual assistance, please call the United Way toll-free at 1-800-273-6222 or Marin Housing Assistline at (415) 491-2345.


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