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November 3, 2015 Election

For comprehensive information regarding Elections, please visit the County of Marin Elections Office website.

Independent Expenditure Ordinance
Staff report and resolution calling the election
Staff Report and resolution cancelling the election and appointing the incumbent candidates.

At the Council meeting on June 15, 2015, the City Council adopted a resolution proposing a General Municipal Election be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2015, and to include the San Rafael Elementary School District and the San Rafael High School District General Election. The issues presented to the voters at the election were:

Election of one (1) Mayor for the full term of four years;
Election of two (2) City Councilmembers for the full term of four years each;
Election of one (1) City Attorney (part-time) for the full term of four years;
Election of one (1) City Clerk and Assessor for the full term of four years;
Election of three (3) members of the Board of Education for the full term of four years each

Nomination Papers Issued / Filed

Gary O. Phillips for Mayor – 07/13/2015 /  08/04/2015
Andrew McCullough for Councilmember – 07/13/2015 /  08/06/2015
John A. Gamblin for Councilmember – 07/13/2015 / 08/04/2015
Robert F. Esptein for City Attorney – 07/13/2015 /  07/31/2015
Esther Beirne for City Clerk – 07/14/2015 /  07/27/2015

Kevin Healy for Board of Education – 07/13/2015
Maika Llorens Gulati for Board of Education – 07/13/2015 / 08/04/2015
Linda M. Jackson for Board of Education – 07/13/2015 / 08/05/2015
Greg Knell for Board of Education – 07/16/2015 / 08/06/2015


As of the filing deadline for City of San Rafael elected official candidates, only incumbents filed for the seats up for re-election. In this case, the Election Code allows for nominating and appointing incumbents should the City Council wish not to hold an election. At the Council meeting on August 17, 2015, the City Council adopted a resolution cancelling the City of San Rafael election and appointing the incumbent candidates to the open offices to serve  exactly as if they had been elected, starting their new term in early December, 2015.

Name                                                          Office                                                             Term
Gary O. Phillips                                     Mayor                                                            Four Years 12/15 — 12/19
John A. Gamblin                                   Member of the City Council             Four Years 12/15 — 12/19
Andrew C. McCullough                   Member of the City Council              Four Years 12/15 — 12/19
Robert F. Epstein                                 Part-Time City Attorney                      Four Years 12/15 — 12/19
Esther Beirne                                        City Clerk and Assessor                       Four Years 12/15 — 12/19

The Council’s action to cancel the City’s election does not affect the elections of the San Rafael Elementary School District or the San Rafael High School District, which will be held as scheduled on November 3.

Campaign Finance Filings

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