Watch the City Council meeting on YouTube at 6:00 p.m.


Marin County Hazardous & Solid Waste Management JPA Local Task Force Advisory Member

The Local Task Force serves as an advisory board to the Marin County Hazardous and Solid Waste Management Joint Powers Authority (JPA). The Local Task Force provides viewpoints and concerns from different geographical, interest based and industry associated members. Seats on the Task Force include public members from different areas of the County, solid waste haulers/facility operators, special districts, and members from environmental organizations. The Task Force specifically assists in the review of the JPA's Integrated Waste Management Plan for all areas of Marin County to help the County reach its zero waste goals.

More information can be found online.

Meetings will be scheduled as needed. Meeting venues and times are to be announced.
More information about meetings can be found online.

Eligibility Requirements
San Rafael representative must be residents of the City of San Rafael.

Staff Contact
Cory Bytof, Volunteer and Sustainability Coordinator

Municipal Code


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