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Category: Sustainability

City of San Rafael Awarded $297.960 Grant for Climate Justice

San Rafael, CA –August 1, 2024, The City of San Rafael is thrilled to announce the award of $297.960 from the Marin Community Foundation (MCF) to establish a two-year position for a Climate Justice and Engagement Manager (CJEM). This two-year position will coordinate various community projects focusing on the Canal Neighborhood. The position aims to … Continued

San Rafael Celebrates Earth Month

As communities around the world prepare for Earth Day and Earth Month this year, the City of San Rafael is reflecting on progress to date on regional sustainability initiatives and gearing up to host several events to bring the community together for the common cause of caring for our environment. Community involvement is key to … Continued

Community Gathers for King Tide Event in San Rafael

On February 10, 2024, over 75 participants gathered for “King Tide Day” to measure and document the impact of rising waters on San Rafael. The City of San Rafael, Canal Alliance, Canal Arts, the University of California Berkeley, the Multicultural Center of Marin, The Marin Auburn Society, and the County of Marin co-hosted the family-friendly … Continued

Request for Proposal (RFP): Sea Level Rise Adaptation Planning Services

SAN RAFAEL, CA August 21, 2023 – The City of San Rafael is pleased to announce the release of our Request for Proposal for sea level rise adaptation planning services. The purpose of this project is to conduct a community-informed technical feasibility study of sea level rise adaptation options along the greater Canal District of … Continued

New Energy Efficiency Resources for Marin Small Businesses

New energy efficient program opportunities are available for small and medium sized businesses. The Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) has launched a new energy efficiency program for Bay Area businesses. Depending on the size of the businesses, there are a couple of options for participating: BayREN Business: Who: For small and medium sized businesses … Continued

TAM Kicks-off Part-time Transit Lane Study

The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) has kicked-off a study of the feasibility and potential benefits of allowing buses to bypass heavy traffic on the US 101 by using the existing shoulder from Atherton Avenue/San Marin Drive in Novato to Mission Avenue in San Rafael. When buses can bypass congestion, transit (and sometimes even private … Continued

Plant Trees, Heal the Planet!

Join us to plant 100 beautiful, carbon-capturing trees in San Rafael on March 28!  Here’s how to help: Learn how to plant and maintain trees at a Tree Planting workshop, February 29, 9am, 618 B St. Volunteer to plant, mulch and water, March 28, 8:30 am, McInnis Parkway. Adopt-a-tree. Donate funds to water the trees … Continued

Trade in your old car for a new electric vehicle

Clean Cars for All Grant Program Are you interested in trading in your old car for a new electric vehicle? The Bay Area Air Quality Management District is inviting income qualified Bay Area residents to apply for the Clean Cars for All grant program which provides incentives to retire older vehicles and replace them with … Continued

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