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Homelessness Update and Sanctioned Camping Area: Community Webinar

OctOctober 3 2024

Join us on October 3, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. for a virtual webinar to learn more about the City’s partnership with Marin County on the Encampment Resolution Funding (ERF-3) grant to address the Mahon Creek Path area encampment. During this webinar City and County staff will provide additional details on the ERF-3 grant and the sanctioned camping area being established on a portion of the Mahon Creek Path. Staff will also provide responses to questions submitted in advance from the community.  

How to Participate 

The public may participate by attending the virtual webinar presentation via Zoom, at the link provided: 

In advance of the meeting, you may submit questions to the City on the Encampment Resolution Funding grant, the sanctioned camping area, and the City’s homelessness response by using this SUBMISSION FORMPlease submit your questions by the end of the day on Monday, September 30.  

Frequently Asked Questions from the community will be added and updated on the city website following community input from the webinar. 

About the ERF-3 Grant: 

The City of San Rafael and County of Marin have partnered to jointly address San Rafael’s Mahon Creek Path Area Encampment. In April 2024, the California lnter-agency Council on Homelessness announced its intent to award the County of Marin and City of San Rafael a total of $5,999,241 in funding for these efforts. 

The Mahon Creek Path Area encampment includes two branch areas along the Mahon Creek Path and Andersen Drive from Lindaro Street to Rice Drive, as well as a previous branch area on Francisco Boulevard West between Mahon Creek and Irwin Street. At the time of the application, an estimated 65 individuals were residing in the Mahon Creek Path Area encampment. The project is designed to provide help and support to these individuals. 

The proposed programs to assist individuals experiencing homelessness at the Mahon Creek Path Area Encampment will be conducted in partnership with the County of Marin’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HHS will contract one full-time equivalent (FTE) outreach worker and three FTE Housing-Based Case Managers (HBCM). These staff members will be dedicated to connecting 65 encampment residents to individualized case management, interim and permanent housing, rapid re-housing subsidies, and other supportive services, with the goal of ending homelessness for these residents and returning the Mahon Creek Path to its originally intended public use. 

Visit the Sanctioned Camping Program website for more information:  

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