Community Concerns Regarding the City’s Camping Ordinance The City is aware of growing concerns and misinformation being spread on social media and shared with the City directly regarding Camping Ordinance regulations related to City Parks. The Ordinance prohibits camping within 100 feet of playgrounds and prohibits camping at certain public properties including, but not … Continued
Camping Ordinance Enforcement Approach The City has established a regular approach to noticing and enforcement under the City’s camping ordinance. Enforcement activities of the Camping Ordinance relating to violations of the campsite size maximums, setback requirements, and/or unpermitted structures and building materials will take place each week on the days outlined in the diagram below. The City may require … Continued
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 15, 2024 Encampment Compliance Initiative Following Ordinance Amendments and Opening of the Sanctioned Camping Area San Rafael, CA — In a continued effort to address homelessness and enhance public safety, the City launched a comprehensive encampment compliance initiative during the week of October 7, 2024. This initiative followed the recent opening … Continued
Join us on October 3, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. for a virtual webinar to learn more about the City’s partnership with Marin County on the Encampment Resolution Funding (ERF-3) grant to address the Mahon Creek Path area encampment. During this webinar City and County staff will provide additional details on the ERF-3 grant and the … Continued
Structure Enforcement and Debris Removal On Tuesday, September 2nd, the City’s debris removal contractor dismantled a structure on Andersen Drive, following an order issued as a result of an administrative hearing with the City’s hearing officer. There were three noticed sites brought into compliance voluntarily by the individuals residing there. The photos below show the … Continued
August 19, 2024 – Comprehensive Homelessness Update to City Council The City Council received a comprehensive update on homelessness during its meeting on Monday night, August 19, 2024. The report included amendments to the City’s ordinance regulating camping on public property, and the City Council passed a resolution appropriating and authorizing grant funding to establish … Continued
San Rafael among cities featured by CBS in preview of Supreme Court decision CBS Sunday Morning interviewed San Rafael Mayor Kate Colin who spoke about the impacts of U.S. Supreme Court’s upcoming Grants Pass vs. Johnson decision. The video, which was broadcast nationally on June 2, can be seen here. On April 22, the Supreme … Continued
FAQ on Request for Proposals (RFP) Operational Services and Support in Sanctioned Camping / Safe Sleeping Programs, and Interim Housing Programs RFP Released May 20, 2024; Proposals Due June 12, 2024 at 5 p.m. General Questions about the RFP What is the ideal reporting relationship of the partners for the sanctioned camp? The City’s Homelessness … Continued
CITY OF SAN RAFAEL REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: RFP Released May 20, 2024; Proposals Due June 12, 2024 at 5 p.m. Seeking Proposals to provide the following Operational Services and Support in Sanctioned Camping / Safe Sleeping Programs, and Interim Housing Programs: Property and Program Management, including operations and security oversight 24/7/365 Security Contractors, trained in … Continued
Cập nhật Luật San Rafael: Quyền của người thuê nhà được trở lại căn hộ sau khi được sửa chữa Chỉ áp dụng trong vùng cơ hội Canal Chính sách hiện tại là gì? ờ San Rafael, luật pháp quy định rằng chủ nhà có thể đuổi người thuê nhà để thực hiện những sửa … Continued