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Two-Way Conversion of C and D Street

Opening C and D Street Up for Two-Way Traffic

Currently, C Street is one-way northbound from 5th Avenue to 1st Street and D Street is one-way southbound from 5th Avenue to 2nd Street. The Public Safety Center being constructed across from City Hall will have driveways for emergency vehicles on both C and D Streets. The Police and Fire Departments have been collaborating with Public Works to come up with a plan to open C and D Streets to two-way traffic. This will greatly help with emergency response time. There are other added benefits of converting a one-way street to two-way, including ease of access and studies showing decreases in vehicle speeds resulting in traffic calming, decreases in number and severity of collisions, decreases in auto break-ins, and increases in property values. The article at the following link provides more information on benefits of two-way streets:

This image shows the proposed circulation in the vicinity of the project:

Projects Limits and Phasing

On-Street Parking Impacts

While the majority of the street parking spaces will be maintained with this conversion, one metered space each on C and D Streets will need to be removed and the red curb on the east side of D Street south of 2nd Street will need to be extended approximately 140 feet to accommodate a new through lane. The Downtown Parking/Wayfinding Study show that there is available street and garage parking nearby to accommodate the nine vehicles that would potentially be displaced with these changes.

One parking space on the west side of C Street, just north of 3rd Street will be eliminated to maintain clear access to the fire hydrant.

On Street Parking Impacts

One parking space on the east side of D Street between 3rd Street and 2nd Street will be eliminated with this project to accommodate a left-turn lane from D Street to 3rd Street.

D Street, between 3rd and 2nd Streets, with circle around a parking space to be eliminated

Space for approximately seven vehicles will be eliminated on the east side of D Street, south of 2nd Street. This is to accommodate a new northbound through lane on D Street.

D St south of 2nd street

Project Timeline

  • June 2020 – Phase 1 – Traffic Signal Modifications
  • June - July 2020 – Phase 2 - Opening of C and D Streets to two-way south of 4th Street
  • July - August 2020 – Phase 3 - Opening of C and D Streets to two-way north of 4th Street

Any major changes to timeline will be communicated via the project website and NextDoor posts.

C and D Two-Way Conversion Notification Letter

Project Contact

Lauren Davini
(415) 485-3361

Questions? Contact us!

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