Snapshot – de parte del Gerente de la Ciudad de San Rafael
Spotlight Photo
CAPTION: City of San Rafael Public Safety Center, December 13, 2021
PHOTO CREDIT: Jim Schutz, City Manager
Last Quiz Question
Congrats to Janet Nibbi for correctly answering our last Snapshot Quiz! The quiz was tricky, albeit easier for those who did their shopping locally this holiday season! It featured a photo of a sign advertising free downtown parking during the holidays. We hope you had a great holiday season and supported our local businesses throughout the City of San Rafael. Congrats Janet and thank you for reading Snapshot!
Scroll down for this week’s quiz and be the first to answer.
San Rafael City News
Happy New Year 2022!
As we jump into 2022, I would like to congratulate and thank you all for pulling together and staying resilient despite a challenging 2021. Thanks to your commitment to our shared community values of mutual respect and understanding for others, we maintained a welcoming community for all. The City maintains our dedication to our core values and mission to enhance the quality of life and provide for a safe, healthy, prosperous, and livable environment in partnership with the community. We accomplished many great things together in 2021, from wildfire prevention to learning hubs for school children to new bridges and bike paths to new policies furthering our goals around climate change and affordable housing.
I encourage you to remain engaged and informed on all city events and activities, and to continue to participate in your local government to help us achieve our mission of an informed and responsive local government. You can always find the most recent up to date events, activities, and news on our website at www.cityofsanrafael.org. You can also sign up for additional news and updates from our social media accounts below. Also, please pass Snapshot along to a friend by sending them this link.
On behalf of all city employees, I would like to extend my appreciation and gratitude to all our residents, businesses, visitors, community partners, and everyone that makes up the great city of San Rafael. We are excited to continue our work and are looking forward to working with you in 2022.
2021-2022 City Council Redistricting Process Continues
Since transitioning to City Council elections by district in April 2018, the City is now required to redraw district lines following the census every ten years, a process known as redistricting. On Tuesday evening, the City Council will hold a public hearing to hear public input on district boundary recommendations for each of the City’s four districts. The public hearing will take place at 7:30 pm.
You are invited to share your thoughts on the current boundaries and what changes you would like to see, if any. Questions that may guide public input include:
- What are the geographic boundaries of your neighborhood or “community of interest”?
- Should your neighborhood or “community of interest” be kept together in one district? Why or why not?
- What other areas in the City should be considered when drafting district maps?
There will be additional public hearings planned on February 15 and March 2, 2022, as the City Council needs to adopt a redistricting plan by April 2022. You may find out more about the redistricting process, including how to draw and submit your own district maps, on the City’s redistricting website: https://redistrictsanrafael.org/
More Information on Drawing your own District Map for San Rafael
As noted above, San Rafael is currently updating and redrawing our current City Council electoral district map and we need your input! We have developed an online draw-a-map tool that allows users to develop their own district map for the city. You are invited to draw your own district map and notify us of any questions or comments here, and find all current map proposals here.
Every 10 years the City of San Rafael is required to assess its electoral districts to ensure fairness and accuracy as measured by the Census. Although we established our current districts as recently as 2018, this current redrawing effort is still required to align with the national 2020 Census.
San Quentin Pump Station Reconstruction Efforts
On Tuesday, the City Council will hear an informational update from the Public Works Department on the need to replace the existing 50-year-old San Quentin Pump Station in east San Rafael. This project directly or indirectly touches on all of the City Council’s key focus areas for 2021/22, with a particular concentration on the key focus area of “Sustainability, Climate Change, and Disasters.” The 720 square foot pump station building provides a critical release valve for excess stormwater that would otherwise flood the 580 freeway. Staff will present the current operating state of the station, estimated costs associated with constructing a new station and funding plan, and the ongoing need to replace and maintain this vital safety infrastructure in San Rafael.
City Board and Commission Openings
Apply to serve on the Fire Commission or the Cannabis Industry Tax Oversight Committee!
Do you want to participate in Fire Department-related initiatives like emergency preparedness, public education and information, essential facilities projects, and photography and documenting Fire service history? If any of these sound of interest to you, apply to serve on the Fire Commission!
Do you want to serve San Rafael by ensuring that all revenues received from the voter approved Cannabis Industry Tax (Measure G) are spent as prescribed by law? If so, apply to serve on the Cannabis Industry Tax Oversight Committee!
Learn More and Apply to serve online by January 27th.
Nominations for 2022 Citizen of the Year
Nominations for the 2022 Citizen of the Year award are still open!
In 2001, J. Michael Maloney, a Marin County resident, established an endowment with the Marin Community Foundation in honor of former San Rafael Planning Commissioner Dick O’Brien to fund an annual Citizen of the Year award. The intent of this award is to recognize a San Rafael community member who has made exceptional contributions to the City. In addition to a $2,500 cash award from the Marin Community Foundation, the annual recipient is typically recognized at a City Council meeting and at the annual State of the City dinner. Do you know someone who you think should be recognized as the Citizen of the Year? If so, review the eligibility criteria and complete a nomination form on our website asap!
January is for Winter Preparedness
Winter storms in the Bay Area create a higher risk of car accidents, power interruptions, delays, and anxiety due to the heavy rain and strong winds. Know your risks for winter storms by paying attention to weather reports and listening for local emergency alerts. Take this time to sign up for Alert Marin and Nixle. Remember to grab that umbrella on the way out!
For more information on emergency updates in Marin, visit the Marin County Emergency Portal. For more information on storm readiness and response, click here. Follow these links for information on where to find sandbags and general disaster preparedness in San Rafael.
The recent and rapid rise of the Omicron variant has reinforced the need for safe public health practices in our community. Because of the speed and ease of infection of the Omicron variant, we highly advise everyone to remain diligent and respectful of all public health guidelines to fight the spread of COVID-19. This includes wearing masks indoors, getting vaccinated and a booster shot when eligible, social distancing, testing for infection via at-home and PCR tests and following the appropriate isolation and quarantine policies if exposed or testing positive with COVID-19.
COVID-19 booster shots and vaccination appointments continue to be offered at all Marin vaccine clinics. If you need transportation assistance to get vaccinated, please visit the below links. The requirement to wear masks in indoor settings still applies to restaurants, retail stores, salons/barbershops, and other indoor business environments where members of the public rotate in and out daily. For more information on the most current mask mandate, visit the Marin County masking page (link below).
As always, if you are experiencing any COVID-19 like symptoms, please get tested as soon as possible, even if you are fully vaccinated. Common symptoms consistent with COVID-19 include fever, chills, coughing, congestions, sore throat, difficulty breathing, headache, fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea, or a new loss of taste or smell. To find available at-home tests, follow this link.
For more information on transportation assistance, visit Lyft’s Vaccine Access Program and GoGoGrandparent. For free COVID-19 testing resources, click here. For information on Marin County masks and face covering guidelines, visit this mask guidance page. To make a vaccination appointment, follow this link. For boosters and third doses, follow this link.
TALES OF THE CITY— New After School Program Comes to the Albert J. Boro Community Center!
The City of San Rafael Recreation Division is partnering with San Rafael City Schools and the YMCA to offer an afterschool program for up to 75 elementary school children in the Canal neighborhood. The program began on Tuesday, January 4, 2022, at the Albert J. Boro Community Center and will run Monday to Friday throughout the remainder of the schoolyear.
In addition to the Center offering other programs for all ages, this new afterschool program provides homework help, recreational activities, and snacks to student participants. Previously, these three organizations partnered together to provide Learning Hubs during the pandemic school closures as well as offering a summer program in 2021.
See more class offerings for youth and all ages hosted by the Library and Recreation Department in our Events section below.
AT THE LAST COUNCIL MEETING on December 20, 2021
Due to Assembly Bill 361, the City will continue to hold all public meetings remotely. Members of the community may comment and participate virtually on all agenda items..
At the December 20th regular City Council Meeting, the Council:
- Approved consent calendar items
- Received an informational report on Status of Homelessness in San Rafael
- Adopted resolution directing staff to prepare an interim guidance document establishing standards and review procedures for ministerial review of two-unit residential developments and urban lot splits to implement SB9
- Approved resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a master sale of goods and services agreement with Global Traffic Technologies to provide preemption services for Police and Fire vehicles at signalized intersections
- Selected Councilmember Rachel Kertz as Vice-Mayor for 2022
City Council meetings are held every first and third Monday of the month. City Council meetings that fall on a holiday are rescheduled for the following Tuesday.
Climate Action Plan Quarterly Community Forum
Thursday, January 20, 2022 | 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Join the sustainability team for our quarterly City of San Rafael Climate Action Plan community implementation forum, hosted by Councilmember Maika Llorens Gulati. This month we’re diving into some of our priority work program items, including adaptation planning. We’ll give an update on San Rafael’s planning efforts and have a special presentation of Sausalito’s community asset mapping platform by City of Sausalito Councilmember Janelle Kellman. The Marin School of Environmental Leadership (MSEL) students will also present their climate action projects, and we’ll learn about the Marin BioMass Recovery Project and the grant they are receiving related to carbon mitigation and sequestration. This is a climate action meeting you won’t want to miss!
Sign up to get the Zoom link here
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Falkirk Cultural Center
1408 Mission Avenue | San Rafael
January 14 – February 18, 2022
Tuesdays – Fridays, 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. & Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Artists from throughout the Bay Area will have their work displayed at the annual Winter Juried show beginning on January 14 through February 18, 2022. Come witness over 73 displayed pieces by local artists at our historic Falkirk Cultural Center!
Opening Reception & San Rafael’s Art Walk
Friday, January 14
5:00 – 8:00 p.m. (Awards ceremony will begin around 6 p.m.)
Closing Reception & People’s Choice Awards
Friday, February 18
5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Every 3rd Thursday of the Month via Zoom
Next Book Club Event: January 20, 2022 | 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Join San Rafael Public Library staff as we read and engage with books in a variety of genres — everything from thought-provoking and topical, to fun and light reads, fiction to non-fiction, and beyond. You can meet us on Zoom every third Thursday of the month, and enjoy additional content related to our book club selections anytime via Instagram and Facebook.
Please register in advance. After registering you will receive a link and instructions for how to participate on the day and time of the book club. Library staff have additional books set aside and can be reached at 415-485-3323 to request a book club book in our catalog.
Youth Classes for All
Kids classes are offered through San Rafael Recreation staff and held at City facilities in a variety of topics! See all youth classes offered and register below for the following youth classes:
Jumping Jacks Class for Toddlers
San Rafael Recreation is excited to offer a toddler focused jumping jacks class at San Rafael Community Center! Come have fun with your toddlers in a safe environment! Class instructors and participants strictly follow guidelines to keep everyone safe.
Fitness Classes
Meet your 2022 fitness goals with San Rafael Recreation! We offer everything from pilates, to yoga to Zumba while following guidelines and providing a safe environment. We also offer Zoom classes.
Click here to see all of our adult fitness classes and sign up today!
Lifeguard Training Course at Terra Linda Community Center
A fun and informative lifeguard training course teaches candidates the skills and knowledge necessary to prevent and respond to aquatic emergencies. Course completion yields certification in American Red Cross Lifeguard Training, First Aid, and CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer. Candidates also complete various swimming prerequisites. Courses begin in February and will fill up soon!
Where was this photo taken?