San Rafael Sanitation District (Sewers)
Keeping it clean
About the San Rafael Sanitation District
The San Rafael Sanitation District's mission is to protect the public health and the environment through proactively planning and operating a fiscally responsible and safe wastewater collection system. We serve the Central San Rafael area, south from the top of Puerto Suello Hill and the unincorporated areas within this jurisdiction. Our crew of eight maintains 32 pump stations, 13 miles of force main, and clean 132 miles of sewer pipelines. This collection and transportation system then delivers wastewater, for treatment to the Central Marin Sanitation Agency.
The San Rafael Sanitation District was formed on May 26, 1947 by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Marin, per Resolution Number 938. The principle enabling legislation for the District is the California Health and Safety Code, Division 5, Part 3, Chapter 3.
Report an Issue
To report an issue to SRSD, please email: SRSD@cityofsanrafael.org
Or call (415) 454-4001