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FAQ Topic: Storms

Important Phone Numbers

Public Works Main Line (415)485-3355 Police Department Dispatch (415)485-3000 American Red Cross (Marin) (415)721-2365 Pacific Gas & Electric (800)743-5000 NWS 24-hour Weather Information Line (831)656-1725

V-ditches on private property

What is a “V-ditch”? A “V-Ditch” is a concrete channel that is mostly found at the base of a hill to collect drainage before the water reaches a resident’s property. That water is then channeled to a drainage box. Who is responsible to maintain “V-ditches” clear of debris? It is imperative that v-ditches are maintained … Continued

Storm easements

What is a storm easement? When a drainage facility can only be accessed by private property, the City is granted a storm easement over that private property — which means the City may access the drainage facility using private property. What happens if the homeowner is not around to let the City in, in the … Continued

Sandbag Locations

If your property can be protected by sandbags, consider getting sand and bags BEFORE the rainy season and stockpile as many filled bags as you think you may need. Annually, from October through March, the city provide residents with sandbags and/or sand on a first-come first serve basis. Sand and Sandbags are available at the … Continued

Preparing before the rainy season

Dispose of yard waste and leaves by composting or using your green cart. There is no extra service charge for using up to two additional carts or paper bags – 32 gallons or smaller. You can also rent an additional 64-gallon green cart from Marin Sanitary Service. Don’t place anything in the street or in the way … Continued

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