Short-term Rentals are allowed on properties where vehicle access is shared between neighbors. If you live on a property like this you must provide a “Parking Plan” when you register your property to be used as a short-term rental. A “Parking Plan” must document how the Short-Term Rental will avoid encumbering parking. Documentation may include: … Continued
Property Registration Checklist Property Information. All properties will need to provide the following property information: Primary Resident Name and Contact Information Documentation of Primary Residency 24-Hour Local Emergency Contact Property Address Type of Short-Term Rental Occupancy Number of Bedrooms Number of Bathrooms Number of Designated Off-Street Parking Spaces
Interior Signage. Properties offered as Short-Term Rentals shall have a clearly visible and legible notice posted on or directly adjacent to the inside of the front door, containing the following information: 24-Hour Local Emergency Contact Person Maximum number of occupants Maximum number of vehicles Off-street Parking Requirements Garbage Disposal Instructions Information regarding Fire Safety and Fire … Continued
Self-Certification Safety Inspection Checklist (REQUIRED FOR ALL PROPERTIES) Self-Certification Vegetation Inspection Checklist (Required by April 30th annually for properties in a Wildland Urban Interface) To find out if your property is in a Wildland Urban Interface visit this webpage: Wildlland-Urban Interface Map
Short-term Rentals on properties in a Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) must show proof of a vegetation inspection as part of their registration. For 2020, property owners will be able to conduct a self-certified vegetation inspection, by completed a Vegetation Inspection Checklist and submitting photos of the front, back, and sides of the property. It is important … Continued
To file a complaint regarding a Short-Term Rental in San Rafael: Call our 24/7 Complaint Hotline at: (415) 521-3556 Submit a compliant online: Short-Term Rental Complaint Online Form For other questions, please contact Hector Carlos at or at 415.458.5337.
Any hosts who have received three or more upheld citation violations of the program rules in a two year period, they will immediately lose the short-term rental registration.
Yes, the City requires hosts collect and remit Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT) for all short-term rentals. TOT is 12% (10% City, 2% for MCBIDTA). Airbnb will directly remit the taxes to the city. All other rental site (i.e. VRBO or Turn key ) you will have to remit the tax payment yourself. There is a … Continued