Updates to City Hall Hours on Fridays in July and August 


FAQ Topic: Building & Construction

Do I need a sign permit?

You’re definitely going to want to contact us to find out if you need a sign permit for any new commercial business signs intended for public view. For your application you’ll need to provide: Photographs of all existing signs on the building. An inventory of all existing signs on the site. This inventory should include location … Continued

Do I need a building permit?

Building permits are required to build, enlarge, alter, remove, demolish, or repair a structure. This includes everything from houses and garages to commercial construction, tenant improvements to signs. Some work does not require a permit, so check here first. Prior to getting a building permit, you should first check with the Planning Division to make … Continued

Do I need an encroachment permit?

Encroachment permits are required if you plan to do any construction work in the public right-of-way. Meaning, any work in the sidewalk area, in an easement, on city owned property (median islands, parks, city facilities) or in the street. Common reasons you’ll need one: Utility saw-cuts Excavation News stands Bicycle racks Sidewalk dining Debris boxes … Continued

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