Spotlight Photo
Librarians Margaret Stawowy (left) and Jill Tokutomi (right) get ready to send letters that patrons wrote to their future selves in December 2019 outlining their goals and resolutions for 2020. What a year it was! Check out the San Rafael Public Library’s Instagram for more info on this timely program.
Photo Credit: Henry Bankhead, City Librarian
Last Quiz Question
Shout out to Rob Wiley for being the first to correctly answer the last Snapshot Quiz Question! The photo featured was of the Southern Heights Bridge. Congratulations Rob and thanks for reading Snapshot!
Scroll down for this week’s quiz!
San Rafael City News
Implementation of the City’s Wildfire Action Plan
On Monday evening, the City Council will hold two public hearings that will evaluate new ordinances based on recommendations in San Rafael’s Wildfire Action Plan.
The first public hearing recommends changes to San Rafael Municipal Code sections 4.12.010 and 4.12.030, establishing citywide vegetation management standards for homes and buildings throughout the City. Now that we are in a rainy season, it is a great time to start thinking about the upcoming fire season. Fuel management and reduction around buildings increase the chances that homes, structures, and other property survive a wildfire while protecting the natural environment.
The second public hearing would amend San Rafael Municipal Code Section 5.40.080 to include parking restrictions in certain areas of narrow, hilly streets throughout the City. Changes would designate parking to “boxed” areas, where needed, to ensure emergency vehicles access as well as safe travel for evacuations.
Black History Month Proclamation
February is Black History Month in the US when we honor and celebrate the accomplishments of Black Americans throughout our history in every area and endeavor. These accomplishments are all the more remarkable as they were and are achieved, despite a legacy of slavery and institutionalized racism targeting Black Americans in our country. The San Rafael City Council released a resolution proclaiming February a month-long celebration of Black History Month. Read the proclamation.
Recognition of Park & Recreation Committee Members
At Monday’s meeting, the City Council will present two proclamations to recognize former Park and Recreation Commissioners Jeff Jones and Tom Obletz. Jeff served for 13 years, and Tom served for eight; both have recently retired from their positions.
During Jeff’s tenure, he served under two mayors, several City Councilmembers, three City Managers, and two Community Services Department Directors. Jeff provided valuable guidance and insight to a range of projects and initiatives including the Terra Linda Community Center Pool Improvements and the renovations of Victor Jones Park, Pickleweed Park, and Albert Park Playgrounds. He also served on the 2040 General Plan Steering Committee. We greatly appreciate Jeff’s 13 years of service!
During Tom’s time on the Park and Recreation Committee, he weighed in on a variety of projects including the revitalization of the City’s Beach Park through a lease agreement with Terrapin Crossroads, the implementation of the City’s first “Porchfest” community event, and upgrades to a number of neighborhood parks. We greatly appreciate Tom’s eight years of service!
Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements Across State Highways
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 4 is preparing an active transportation plan to identify locations for bicycle and pedestrian improvements on or near the State Highway System.
The public can play a critical role in shaping the plan by participating in a map-based survey. Caltrans has created a map-based survey that allows people to tell Caltrans where they have bicycling and walking concerns along or near the state highway system. Survey responses will provide Caltrans with specific data about the type and location of improvements needed. When combined with the technical analysis and input from agency and organizational partners, Caltrans will be able to evaluate these locations for developing future projects.
Learn more about the Caltrans Active Transportation Plans.
Get Involved in Another Side of Wildfire Prevention
The Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MPWA) is hiring a Program and Planning Manager to join their team. The MWPA was formed in 2020 to develop and implement a comprehensive wildfire prevention, education, and emergency preparedness plan throughout most of Marin County. Measure C, which passed in March 2020, funds wildfire protection and prevention services developed by the MWPA. The Program and Planning Manager position was created to help implement this plan.
The deadline to apply is Monday, February 22nd at 2pm.
Recruitment Open for Marin Volunteers to Help Set Priorities
The County of Marin is recruiting new members for its Countywide Priority Setting Committee, which advises the Marin County Board of Supervisors on grant spending for projects and programs that benefit Marin’s lowest-income residents. This committee oversees the distribution of federal funds through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) in Marin County.
There are four (4) openings on the Priority Setting Committee for community members representing the interests of racial and ethnic minorities and/or people with disabilities.
The deadline to apply is Thursday, February 11th.
The City of San Rafael created Honorary Dean Allison Internship to honor Dean Allison, the City’s Public Works Director from September 2015 to March 2016 before his life was tragically cut short. He embraced the ideals of public service and transparency in his brief time with San Rafael. Dean focused on the needs of the public and worked effectively with individuals and groups throughout San Rafael to respond decisively to a broad spectrum of needs both large and small in a creative and community–focused way. This internship celebrates his life and his time serving the residents of San Rafael.
Each recipient of the internship writes an “exit letter” recounting their experiences working with the San Rafael Department of Public Works and the projects they were able to take part in. Sophie Martinez just completed her internship with the City; check out her exit letter to learn about how she helped with the installation of bike racks in downtown, supported Dining Under the Lights, and created a video to highlight the partnerships and collaboration of the Canal Wi-Fi project.
Thank you, Sophie—we appreciate you and your contributions!
Due to Executive Order N-29-20, we can no longer offer an in-person meeting location for the community to attend public meetings. We are offering two remote ways to participate.
At the January 19, 2021 regular City Council Meeting, the Council:
- Approved consent calendar items.
- Adopted an Urgency Ordinance enacting a temporary moratorium on rent increases for tenants residing in certain residential units and U.S Census Tracts most disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.
- Adopted a Resolution amending the Master Fee Schedule increasing the Refuse Impact Fee and established maximum rates collected by Marin Sanitary Service for refuse and recyclable material collection and disposal services, to be effective retroactively to January 1, 2021.
City Council meetings are held every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. City Council meetings that fall on a holiday are rescheduled for the following Tuesday.
Town Hall on COVID-19 Vaccinations—Friday, January 29th
Representative Jared Huffman will be hosting a town hall on the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine and what constituents of California’s Second District can expect in the months ahead. Special guests will include Dr. Robert Rodriguez, a member of the Biden Transition COVID-19 Advisory Board; Dr. Sundari Mase, Sonoma County Public Health Officer; Dr. Matt Willis, Marin County Public Health Officer; and a representative from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Submit questions in advance to huffmanQandA@mail.house.gov. Attendees will also be able to ask questions in the Facebook comments section during the event for a chance to have their question read aloud and answered live.
Watch/Listen in:
- Facebook.com/RepHuffman
- Marin TV Education Channel (Comcast Ch 30 and AT&T Ch 99) and streaming online at https://cmcm.tv/30
2nd Friday Virtual Art Walk, February 12th at 6pm
Celebrate positivity, culture, and creativity on the second Friday of every month. This district-wide virtual event offers the opportunity to “walk” virtually and listen to presentations about the pieces. Pour your favorite beverage, plate your favorite snacks, and login from your favorite seat to imbibe inspiration provided by artists and arts organizations.
Each Virtual Art Walk begins at 6pm.
Upcoming dates: 2/12, 3/12, 4/9, 5/14, 6/11
Mindful Writing with Peller Marion
Dive into your creativity without all the routines, stress, and obligations that keep us distracted from our dreams. These classes are an adventurous mix of writing and some art and require no experience. Join us for all three classes, or drop-in at any point.
Peller Marion is the author of Shark Attack and Other Mishaps and five other books. She is an exhibiting artist and consulting psychologist.
Upcoming dates: 2/8, 3/8, 4/12, 1pm-3pm online via Zoom
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