An early morning shot from the San Rafael Bay Shoreline Path
Photo Credit: Lisa Fader
Last Quiz Question
Shout out to Rob Fassberg for being the first to correctly answer the last Snapshot Quiz! The photo featured was of the Dan Abraham trail behind Sun Valley Elementary. Congratulations Rob and thanks for reading Snapshot!
Scroll down for this week’s quiz and be the first to answer.
San Rafael City News
BioMarin Development Agreement
BioMarin continues to plan their downtown expansion. The San Rafael City Council will be conducting an annual review of the Development Agreement between BioMarin Pharmaceutical and the City of San Rafael for the phased development and expansion of the San Rafael Corporate Center and property at 999 Third Street. The agreement, adopted on March 23, 2020, includes approval to redevelop the Third Street site to include additional office space and laboratories for BioMarin, as well as a senior center and housing complex to be developed by Vivalon (formerly Whistlestop) and EDEN Housing.
Marin History Museum Lease of Boyd Gatehouse
For many years, the Marin History Museum leased the Boyd Gate House at 1125 B Street from the City of San Rafael to house local exhibits and programs celebrating the traditions and people of Marin County. It was a historic museum in a historic building! For the last several years, the City has used the building to house the Economic Development Department during the construction of the Public Safety Center. With Public Safety Center construction completed, the Economic Development Department is now located at City Hall. The Marin History Museum plans to reopen, and has applied to the City to lease the Boyd Gate House for its exhibitions and programs. At Monday’s meeting, the City Council will review the lease agreement with the Marin History Museum.
Capital Improvement Program and Measure A Work Plan Update
Interested in parks, pipes, pumps and more? On Monday, the City Council will hear a presentation from the Department of Public Works reviewing the preliminary three-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and the Measure A Work Plan. The CIP includes citywide infrastructure projects that have been recommended by Public Works staff through Citywide studies and plans, City Council and community input, and recommendations from Department Directors. The Measure A Work Plan outlines projects to be completed with funding from Measure A (passed in 2012). Historically, the City has used Measure A funding to support park maintenance, vegetation management, protection of open space, and park improvements. Measure A projects in the next year will be focused on park maintenance and park improvement projects.
Marin-Sonoma Bike Share Program
Bike share is coming to the North Bay. In 2018, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission awarded an $826,000 Bike Share grant for the Marin-Sonoma Bike Share Program. The goal of the program is to encourage bicycle use and access, increase multimodal transportation with local transit, and address first/last mile connections for commuters using SMART and buses. The Bike Share program will provide 300 or more electric assist bikes in the two counties, and will establish station hubs for bike share parking throughout the participating jurisdictions. The program will be operated by Bolt Mobility and cooperatively managed by Sonoma County Transportation Authority and Transportation Authority of Marin. The City Council will be reviewing the Coordination Agreement that is required for San Rafael’s participation in the program.
Council to Receive Update on Third Street Rehabilitation Project
Significant changes are in store for Third Street between Miracle Mile and Union Street. After years of planning and public engagement, the Third Street Rehabilitation Project is scheduled to begin construction this summer. Improvements include street resurfacing, curb ramps, sidewalks, raised intersections through the downtown core, storm drains, traffic signal upgrades, bulb-outs for improved pedestrian visibility, narrowing travel lanes, adding trees, and more. The project also includes reconfiguring the roadway between West Street and Shaver Street to allow room for an eight-foot-wide Class IV cycle track on the south side of Second Street with a dedicated sidewalk for pedestrians. On Monday, staff will be providing an update on the project and seeking City Council approval to request Measure A construction funding from the Transportation Authority of Marin.
Proclamations Supporting National Police Week and Public Service Recognition Week
Our Police Department and City staff take great pride in providing exemplary services to the people of San Rafael. There has been so much great work by city staff during the last year in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and staff is always looking to take what we have learned to make City services even better. At Monday’s meeting, the City Council will be issuing proclamations supporting National Police Week and Public Service Recognition Week, both of which are observed May 9th to 15th, 2021.
Marin Municipal Water District to Begin Enforcement of Drought Measures
With reservoirs at historic lows, Marin Municipal Water District‘s board of directors adopted new mandatory water use restrictions to help preserve our water supply. The goal of the mandatory restriction is to achieve a 40 percent reduction in overall water use districtwide. The district will consider further water use restrictions at future board meetings. New rules include, but are not limited to:
- Do not wash vehicles at home
- No power washing homes or businesses
- Do not wash driveways or sidewalks
- Do not water outdoors between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.
If you see water waste, let MMWD know. You can report water waste using this online form, email Conservation@MarinWater.org or call 415.945.1523.
Downtown San Rafael Farmers’ Market Returns May 6th
We’re excited to announce the reopening of San Rafael’s Summer Farmers’ Market next Thursday, May 6th. The market will be open from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. along Fourth Street between B Street & D Street. The market will feature an exciting mix of new and returning farmers and purveyors selling seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables, honey, wine, baked goods, flowers, cured meats, and so much more.
On Thursday, April 15, the City’s contractors activated the pedestrian hybrid beacon (PHB) signal on Third Street in front of San Rafael High School. This has been a long-range goal of the City and San Rafael City Schools and offers a more direct connection between San Rafael High School and the Montecito Shopping Center. Because of the speed and volume of vehicles on Third Street, a PHB is the most appropriate treatment for this crossing. The School District and the City collaborated through the outreach, design, and applications for grant funding and were successful in securing $400,000 to construct the new crossing.
Due to Executive Order N-29-20, we can no longer offer an in-person meeting location for the community to attend public meetings. We are offering two remote ways to participate: watching on YouTube or calling in from your phone.
At the April 19, 2021 regular City Council Meeting, the Council:
- Approved consent calendar items.
- Heard a special presentation on the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority by Executive Director Mark Brown.
- Heard an informational update from Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District regarding the new Downtown San Rafael Transit Center.
- Heard an informational report on Business Recovery in San Rafael.
City Council meetings are held every first and third Monday of the month. City Council meetings that fall on a holiday are rescheduled for the following Tuesday.
Collaborative City-Making & Restaurant Trends
Tuesday, May 4, 2021 | 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Join San Rafael Mayor Kate Colin and San Anselmo Mayor Brian Colbert in a roundtable discussion on City-making and restaurant trends in response to COVID-19. The conversation will feature perspectives from an urban designer, a local restauranteur, and restaurant investor. The event is part of a series of roundtable discussions about post-COVID economic development in Marin County.
- Register online
Prepare for Wildfire: Spring Community Workshop
Thursday, May 13 | 5:00pm – 7:30pm
Join San Rafael’s Emergency Manager, Quinn Gardner, in a virtual community workshop covering a variety of topics including wildfire science, defensible space, home hardening basics, community preparedness, and personal preparedness and evacuations. All workshops will include discussion and Q&A. Join on Facebook live stream or via zoom.
Dine Under the Lights Every Thursday & Friday
Treat yourself and support our local businesses! Enjoy 50+ participating restaurants, cafes, and bars with on-street alfresco dining under the sparkling lights in Downtown San Rafael through the West End Village! Make San Rafael your GO-TO spot on Thursdays & Fridays! Please check with your favorite businesses for hours and if reservations are advised. Please remember to wear your mask and respect others’ space.
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