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Category: Recreation

Terra Linda Park and Community Center Preferred Site Design

Preferred Site Design Ready for Public Review Following Round 2 of outreach, the project team consolidated all community feedback to create a preferred site design for Terra Linda Park and Community Center. The preferred design is based on preliminary Concept C, which was the community’s favorite from Round 2, while also incorporating popular elements from … Continued

Round 2 Community Outreach Complete

Round 2 of community outreach is now complete! We heard from over 400 community members during our virtual and in-person outreach activities in September and October 2024. Participants were excited about the site concepts and proposed enhancements. Based on feedback collected, the community envisions Terra Linda Park and Community Center as a vibrant hub for … Continued

Participate in Round 2 Community Outreach!

How to Participate: Take the online survey – now through October 25 *DEADLINE EXTENDED* Pop-Up at Movies in the Park @ Terra Linda Park – September 27, 4:30-7:00 p.m. Virtual Community Meeting – October 9 at 6:30 p.m., register online via Zoom Community Meeting @ Terra Linda Community Center – October 15 at 6:30 p.m Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Special Presentation -October 17 at 6:00pm, … Continued

Round 1 Community Engagement Complete!

The first round of community outreach for this project was conducted in June and July 2024, and we received excellent feedback! Over 400 community members participated in outreach activities such as pop-up events, community meetings, and a survey. According to participants, Terra Linda Park and Community Center are valued public resources that would benefit from … Continued

News Release: Downtown San Rafael Library Temporarily Relocating

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 31 , 2024    Downtown San Rafael Library Temporarily Relocating   San Rafael, Calif. –On September 2nd, the Downtown San Rafael Public Library, located at 1100 E Street, will be closing for critical safety and infrastructure updates. The City will be opening a pop-up library at 1009 4th Street to continue … Continued

Community Outreach Summary – June 2024

As we continue to move forward with our community engagement efforts, we’re pleased to share a brief update on our recent outreach activities: Online Survey: We’ve received an overwhelming response with 321 survey submissions so far! Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future of our city. If you haven’t had a chance to participate … Continued

Water Safety Month

May is National Water Safety Month In the U.S., there are an estimated 4,000 fatal unintentional drownings per year. That’s an average of 11 per day! In California, drowning is the leading cause of injury death for children under the age of 14. With the summer season quickly approaching, families are planning their summers full … Continued

Check out these recreation classes beginning soon!

The following classes begin in August. Check out our art classes, including ceramics, flower arranging, watercolor painting and art journaling. We’re also offering virtual and in-person fitness classes, babysitter and lifeguard training, and Beginning Spanish. We look forward to seeing you! Click here to go to the San Rafael Recreation registration page to view all … Continued

Jumping Jacks at San Rafael Community Center

Join us for Jumping Jacks at San Rafael Community Center Jumping Jacks is an hour-long class that consists of activities that encourage creative movement, balance and hand-eye coordination in  a high-energy, fun-filled atmosphere. The first half of each class is free play for parents/caretakers to enjoy interacting with their child/children and the last half hour … Continued

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