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Category: Infrastructure

Freitas Parkway sidewalk replacement – construction completed!

The Freitas Parkway Sidewalk Replacement project was recently completed in April 2023 as part of the City’s Sidewalk Repair and Replacement program. This project replaced approximately 5,000 square feet of severely damaged sidewalk on the south side of Freitas Parkway between Montecillo Road and Las Gallinas Avenue. All traffic control and pedestrian detour signs have … Continued

Preparing for Extended Power Outages

Wildfire season is here and Marin County residents need to be prepared for prolonged power outages related to PG&E’s efforts to reduce wildfire risks.  Having key items, such as a working flashlight and 3-day supply of water and food, is one important component of a preparedness plan and can make it easier to cope with power … Continued

Advisory: Upcoming Road Closure on 3rd Street (6/7-6/10)

3rd Street Closure Friday, June 7 at 8:00 p.m. to Monday, June 10 at 4:00 a.m Beginning on Friday, June 7 at 8 p.m. and ending on Monday, June 10 at 4 a.m., Third Street will be closed between Tamalpais Avenue to Hetherton Street. To travel westbound, use the following alternate routes: To travel westbound from … Continued

Grand Opening Celebration of Fire Station 52

Join us next Monday, May 13 at 5 p.m. for the Hose Uncoupling Ceremony and Housing of the Engine at the grand opening of Fire Station 52! Refreshments will be served and tours of the new station will be conducted. We hope to see you there!

2nd Street Night Closure – April 23-25,2019

Starting tomorrow evening, Central Valley Engineering and Asphalt will be repaving 2nd Street from A Street to Lindaro Street and Lindaro Street to Andersen Drive to conclude PG&E’s gas main replacement work. Partial street closure will begin at 8:00 P.M. with a full closure beginning at 9:00 P.M., the  street will re-open at 6:00 A.M. Please use Andersen … Continued

10/31/18 – Central San Rafael 101 NB Off-ramp Replacement

TAKE THE SURVEY (survey closed) Caltrans San Rafael 101 NB Off-ramp Presentation   Caltrans intends to rebuild the bridge that makes up the northbound 101 Central San Rafael highway off ramp.  The reason for this work is that the existing structure is inadequate so the entire bridge will be replaced over a large part of … Continued

5/7/18 – #TamalpaisBikeLane – tell us what you think!

Bike to Work Week encourages commuters and others to get out of their car and use a bicycle to get to and from their work. Safe paths for bicyclists are essential to make riding a real possibility for commuters. The City will conduct a one week pilot project from May 7 to 11 to coincide with Bike … Continued

Lease Revenue Bonds

$46,300,000* San Rafael Joint Powers Financing Authority Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2018 (Public Safety Facilities Project) (Green Bonds) Anticipated date of offering on or about March 14, 2018 The offering of Bonds will be made only by the Preliminary Official Statement, which describes the security for such issue and which may be obtained in any … Continued

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