2025 Public Service Award Nominations are open! 


FAQ Topic: Project Description

List of Entitlements

Zoning Amendments – A Zoning Map and Zoning Text Amendment to the Planned Development (PD) Overlay Zone that outlines allowable land uses, development standards, and a development plan for the proposed project. Development Agreement – A Development Agreement to set forth development terms between the applicant and the City. Vesting Tentative Map – A Vesting … Continued

Project Summary

The Northgate Mall Redevelopment project proposes a comprehensive redevelopment of the existing mall into an open-air “main street experience,” surrounded by mixed-use development of retail and up to 1,422 residences. The Project proposes to reduce the existing commercial retail from 775,677 sq. ft. to 225,100 square feet and construct high-density multifamily residential buildings in the … Continued

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