Updates to City Hall Hours on Fridays in July and August 


FAQ Topic: Priority Development Areas 2020

What is Plan Bay Area 2050?

Plan Bay Area 2050 is a long-range plan charting the course for the future of the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. Plan Bay Area 2050 will focus on four key issues—the economy, the environment, housing and transportation—and will identify a path to make the Bay Area more equitable for all residents and more resilient in … Continued

What funding is available to a PDA?

The most common funding source for a PDA is the One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) Program, which is administered by MTC. Established in 2012, OBAG taps federal funds to maintain MTC’s commitments to regional transportation priorities while also advancing the Bay Area’s land-use and housing goals. Cities and counties in the Bay Area can use … Continued

Can we change the PDA boundaries?

Yes! The purpose of a PDA designation it to begin a community-driven planning process. Through this planning process, we will continue to refine the PDA boundaries based upon community input.  Additionally, MTC/ABAG provides access to funding for jurisdictions with PDAs to help facilitate this process.

Can a PDA be removed by the City?

Yes.  After a PDA has been designated, it can be removed at any time by the local jurisdiction. This process is known as a rescinding a PDA.  A designated PDA can be removed by the City Council adopting a resolution rescinding the PDA.  While removing the PDA is immediate, it may continue to appear as … Continued

How is the Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA) connected to PDA?

RHNA is the State-mandated housing allocation that is provided to each local jurisdiction, which is required to be addressed in the Housing Elements of all local General Plans. The housing allocations from RHNA is applied to the city as whole. There is no “allocation” that is applied to or assigned to PDAs.  Therefore, there is … Continued

What is a Priority Development Area?

First, a Priority Development Area or “PDA” is a place that has convenient public transit service that is prioritized by local governments (cities/counties) for housing, jobs and services. PDAs range from Downtowns to Main Streets to aging shopping malls. Second, a PDA is a funding and planning tool.  If a local jurisdiction voluntarily nominates an … Continued

Why does this have to be done now while we are sheltering in place?

The Call for Letters of Interest to nominate a PDA was released on March 11, 2020, which was the same week the Shelter-in-Place Order was enacted.   The process to nominate a PDA has a specific time limit and deadline for filing.  A Letter of Interest to nominate an area for PDA designation must be … Continued

How can we preserve the small-town character of our community?

While a PDA is an area earmarked and prioritized for housing, jobs and services, the designation, in itself, has no impact on maintaining or preserving the small-town character of a community.  If preserving the small town character is a key community goal, the community-driven planning process required by a PDA designation would control building scale, … Continued

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