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FAQ Topic: Encroachment Permit Requirements

Construction Standards

Pavement and trench restoration standards for projects in the Right-of-Way (ROW) are detailed in the City of San Rafael Pavement Restoration Matrix. The City of San Rafael follows the Marin County Uniform Construction Standards of all cities/towns and County of Marin drawings referenced in this manual must be followed unless other wise noted by the … Continued

Contractor License

An A or C-12 license is required for all paving.  Other licenses may be required based on project scope.

Traffic Control Plan

A Traffic Control Plan (TCP) is a document that shows temporary signs, cones, and flaggers to safely direct traffic around your work zone.  ‘Traffic’ includes vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and mobility devices such as wheelchairs. Temporary traffic control requirements, devices, and setups can be found in Part 6 of the CA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Part … Continued

Detailed Plan / Key Map

A detailed plan shows the exact location, a more precise extent of the work zone, the work proposed and details of the improvements. A key map shows the general project location and approximate extent of the workzone. Underground utilities can be shown on the detailed plan or as a separate map. We use this to generally locate where subsurface … Continued

Insurance – Insurance. General Liability for at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) and, Automobile Liability for at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000).  The Insurance Certificate naming the City of San Rafael as an Additional Insured along with the Endorsement page, need to be provided at the time of the permit application. Sample Insurance Requirements

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