Where can I find legal resources in Marin County?
The County of Marin has a page dedicated to providing useful information about different legal resource organizations. Check them out at the County’s website.
The County of Marin has a page dedicated to providing useful information about different legal resource organizations. Check them out at the County’s website.
To get in touch with an experienced attorney in the Marin County area, contact the Marin SF Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service at (415) 989-1616.
To obtain contact information for a variety of community legal assistance and other nonprofits visit the Marin County Bar Association.
Jury duty is handled through the Jury Services department of the Marin County Superior Court in room 244 of the Marin County Civic Center located at 1301 Civic Center Drive in San Rafael. For more information pertaining to jury services, contact Marin County Superior Court Jury Services at (415) 444-7120.
The Marin County Superior Court handles all court cases for the County of Marin. For information about court cases, contact Marin County Superior Court at (415) 444-7000.