The City of San Rafael will be sending out weekly project updates with construction updates, traffic closure updates, and other relevant information for this project. To receive these updates, please sign up using the form at the left-hand side of the project website.
The City of San Rafael has begun an extensive 18-month Third Street rehabilitation to upgrade safety, infrastructure, and traffic needs for this vital thoroughfare. Third Street is a critical component of San Rafael’s transportation network. It serves tens of thousands of residents on a daily basis as they travel to work, school, recreation, and retail destinations. The City of San Rafael received an allocation from the Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) through the Measure A program to rehabilitate Third Street. While this work will be an inconvenience for the short term, this necessary rehabilitation will dramatically improve the quality of life for the community when completed. The Third Street Safety project will be presented at the City Council on Monday April 18 for the construction award. There will be a presentation that includes an update on the current construction project. The City Council meeting begins at 7pm and can be watched online or in person at the Council Chambers.
THIS WEEK (April 11 – April 15):
- Continued trenching and installing the new Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) waterline from Hayes Street and Third Street
- Work included installing tie-in connections in B Street and C Street
- Continued potholing to locate existing underground utilities at all the intersections for Second and Third Street. St. Francis Electric also worked on preparing to install conduits using horizontal directional drilling, which will require removing some sections of the sidewalk to excavate boring pits
- Saw cutting and removing the median islands on Second Street between West End Avenue and Miramar Avenue
NEXT WEEK (April 18 – April 22):
- MMWD waterline connections at A Street, B Street, C Street, D Street, and E Street. Complete installation of water lines on Third Street between Lindaro and Brooks Street Hauling the stockpile soil on Lindaro. This will involve loading trucks and increased truck traffic on Lindaro.
- Installation of conduit by horizontal directional drilling on Third Street & Shaver Street and Second Street & G Street. This work will require removing some sections of the sidewalk to excavate boring pits. Safe pedestrian passage will be maintained around this boring pits. The sidewalk will be temporary patched with asphalt.
- Paving will continue where the old median islands previously existed on Second Street between West End Avenue and Miramar Avenue. It is anticipated that on the week of April 25, the lanes on Second Street will be shifted northward and lane channelizers/delineators will be installed to reestablish lanes in the east and westbound directions.
- Traffic Controls (temporary signs, message boards, traffic cones, delineators and detour signs) will be put in place to direct motorists through the work area
- Curb parking spaces will be marked “No Parking”
- There will be intermittent lane closures on Third Street and detours on A Street, B Street, C Street, D Street, and E Street. For businesses in this section of Second Street, Ghilotti Bros. Inc., will help facilitate deliveries by providing traffic controls and flagging.
The hours of work will be 6:00am – 6:00pm and lane closures 6:00am – 3:00pm. on Third & Second Street westbound and 9:00am – 6:00pm on Second Street eastbound.
For more information, visit the project website or contact the City at thirdstreet@cityofsanrafael.org.
Please note: all estimated timelines are tentative and subject to change.