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Station Area Plans

The coming of SMART rail service in 2015 is an opportunity to build on the work that’s been done to create a variety of transportation and housing options, economic stability, and vibrant community gathering places in San Rafael.

The City of San Rafael recently received $528,000 grant funding from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to prepare two Station Area Plans for the areas around the future Downtown and Civic Center rail stations. These plans will set the stage to create vibrant, mixed-use, livable areas supported by a mix of transit opportunities, including passenger rail service.

The Station Area Plans are a multi-agency collaborative planning effort between the City of San Rafael, Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART), Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District (GGBHTD), Marin Transit, the Redevelopment Agency, the County of Marin, and the Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM).

Check out more general information about SMART in San Rafael including construction updates and Quiet Zones.

Public Process and Final Plans

  • The public review process for the Draft Downtown Station Area Plan included the following public meetings:
    • Planning Commission, 1/10/2012 at 7 p.m. (Council Chambers, City Hall) Staff Report  Video
    • Design Review Board, 1/18/2012 at 7 p.m. (Council Chambers, City Hall) Staff Report  Video
    • Citizens Advisory Committee, 2/2/2012 at 7 p.m. (Community Development Conference Room, City Hall)
  • The Final Downtown Station Area Plan was accepted by the City Council on 6/4/2012:
  • The public review process for the Draft Civic Center Station Area Plan included the following public meetings:
    • Design Review Board, 6/5/2012 at 7 p.m. (Council Chambers, City Hall)  Staff Report  Video
    • Marin County Board of Supervisors, 6/12/2012 at 11:30 a.m. (County of Marin) Video
    • Planning Commission, 6/12/2012 at 7 p.m. (Council Chambers, City Hall)  Staff Report  Video
  • The Final Civic Center Station Area Plan was accepted by the City Council on 8/20/2012:

Community Involvement

Through the two station area planning processes, the San Rafael community will consider and provide advice on the safest way for pedestrians, bicyclists, and automobile drivers to travel through a residential and commercial area, the best ways to access the SMART stations and nearby services, the most appropriate crossing improvements, and design guidelines to maximize amenities and passenger rail ridership potential. The projects will be based on community-based stakeholder collaboration and active public engagement through public workshops. Two citizen advisory committees provided oversight to the planning processes.

Get more information on SMART public meetings.

Links & Resources

For information about the planning and design for SMART stations and right-of-way, please contact SMART at (415) 226-0880 or visit SMART’s website.

Partner Agencies
Golden Gate Transit logoCounty of Marin logo

Grant funding for San Rafael’s Station Area Plans provided by:
MTC logo

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