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San Rafael Update: What’s Next + Upcoming Changes for June 15th

Posted on June 9, 2021

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With one week to go until the State’s June 15th reopeningcountywide COVID-related statistics continue to trend towards the manageable containment of cases and the success of our vaccination efforts. As of today, 78.7 percent of eligible Marin residents have received two doses (or one shot of Johnson & Johnson), and 65 percent of the total population have been fully immunized (two weeks after second dose). Check out more COVID-19 data for Marin on the Data & Surveillance webpage.  

Please keep in mind that taking precautions will continue to help contain the virus. Masks are still required in most situations when around others and indoors for unvaccinated individuals and in crowded outdoor and indoor spaces for those who have been vaccinated. The best way to keep the trend going and to reopen our economy by the governor’s target date of June 15th is for everyone to get vaccinated. 

Town Hall | What’s Next for Marin? 

Thursday, June 10, 2021 | 6:00 p.m.
Watch/Listen live | Zoom or Facebook 

In anticipation for the capacity and distancing restrictions being lifted for most businesses and activities beginning June 15,  Marin County will host a virtual town hall to answer a number of questions regarding these upcoming changes and what it means for Marin County. 

Dr. Matt Willis, Public Health Officer for Marin County will be joined by Dennis Rodoni, Board President, Marin County Board of Supervisors and Dr. Laura Eberhard, Chief of Critical Care, Kaiser Permanente San Rafael. 

Upcoming Changes to San Rafael Public Meetings 

As we begin taking strides to getting back to normal, the City of San Rafael is preparing a hybrid virtual public meeting model. Starting on June 15, 2021, public comment for City Council and Planning Commissions will change in the following ways: 

  • Public comment will no longer be received through YouTube live chat. 
  • Correspondence will need to be submitted by 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting to be published online and forwarded to the City Council. Any correspondence received after that deadline will be included with the record the following day.  
  • The City Clerk’s office will no longer read comments aloud into the public record.  

Here are the following ways you can provide public comment: 

  • Submit public comment in writing before 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting. 
  • Join the Zoom webinar and use the ‘raise hand’ feature to provide verbal public comment. 
  • Dial-in to Zoom’s telephone number using the meeting ID and provide verbal public comment. 

Lost Your Vaccine Card? Here’s What to do. 

No one intends to lose important personal documents, but it happens! If you do lose your vaccine card, check back with the clinic, pharmacy, or hospital where you received the immunization, as they may have some form of record 

You can also contact California Health Department’s immunization information system and complete their information release form; your info should be added to that registry when you get vaccinated. 

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