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San Rafael Update: Vaccine distribution, “rent freeze” ordinance, stimulus check, & more

Posted on January 21, 2021

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Marin County Public Health and healthcare providers announced today that Marin County residents who are age 75 or above will be prioritized for available vaccine supplies. Existing vaccine appointments for all other sectors in Phase 1B scheduled for this week including, childcare, education, food and agriculture, and emergency services will keep their scheduled appointment.  

To help Marin residents track when they may be eligible to receive a vaccine, the County is launching a new online interest formResidents can answer a few questions to be subscribed to receive email or text message notifications when their turn has arrived and how to pursue a vaccine appointment. The form is available in English and Spanish on Marin County Public Health’s vaccine webpage. 

Stay informed on the vaccine rollout in Marin County—visit the County’s vaccine page for distribution details, info for health care providers, facts vs. myths on vaccines, and answers to frequently asked questions. 

San Rafael passes “rent freeze” ordinance  

During Tuesday night’s City Council meeting, the San Rafael City Council voted to adopt an urgency ordinance that will establish a temporary rent freeze. The temporary moratorium solely applies to two designated US Census Tracts, Tract Nos. 1122.01 (Canal Neighborhood) and 1122.02 (Southeast San Rafael and Canal neighborhood), which have been in census tracts of San Rafael that have been most disproportionally impacted by COVID-19, and that have the greatest level of housing instability. The ordinance will take effect on February 1, 2021 and expire on December 31, 2021.
Additional information and support are available through Marin County’s Renter and Landlord Resources page 

Tracking your second coronavirus stimulus check 

The second round of stimulus checks have been distributed to taxpayers either by direct deposits, paper checks, or debit cards by mail. Debit cards were not issued in the first round of stimulus checks, so please be on alert when sorting through your mail. 

If you haven’t received your payment, don’t panic. The last round of payments were set to be mailed on January 15, 2021. 

Check the status of your stimulus payment 

  1. Visit the “Get My Payment” page that the IRS has set up on its website. 
  2. Click (or tap) on the blue “Get My Payment” button to monitor the status of your payment and track it. 
  3. You’ll be taken to a page about authorized use; go ahead and click (or tap) OK. 
  4. On the Get My Payment page, enter your Social Security number (or taxpayer ID number), your date of birth, your address and zip code. When finished, click (or tap) the continue button. 
  5. This leads to a payment status page, which informs you of the status of your payment and when it can be expected. (You may also be told that the service cannot determine your status.) 

If you don’t receive your payment, you can still take steps to ensure that you receive those funds. When you file your 2020 taxes, you’ll be able to secure your second check (and your first, if you never received it) by filling out a Recovery Rebate Credit. 


Free COVID-19 Mobile Testing Schedule (provided by Curative)  

Marin continues providing free COVID-19 testing to all County residents, whether or not you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Curative offers self-collected oral fluid swab testing and it’s free, whether or not you have insurance. 

Remember to bring your photo ID and the reference ID from the confirmation email to your appointment. 

Days & Locations 

  • Mondays | 10 am – 12:30 pm | Bolinas Fire Station 
  • Mondays | 10 am – 4 pm |  San Geronimo Golf Course 
  • Tuesdays | 10 am – 4 pm | United Markets (San Anselmo) 
  • Wednesdays | 10 am – 4 pm | Sausalito City Hall  
  • Thursdays | 10 am – 4 pm | Piper Park, Larkspur 
  • Fridays | 10 am – 4 pm | Novato Public Library  

Drive-Thru Testing in the Jury Duty Parking Lot – Armory Drive, San Rafael 

  • Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday: 11 am – 5 pm  
  • Monday, Wednesday: 8 am – 2pm 


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