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Location Layers: Construction

Freitas & Las Gallinas Intersection Improvements

Project Description:  The Public Works department is working with a consulting firm to design improvements to the intersection Freitas and Las Gallinas. The Intersection is very narrow, preventing left turning cars traveling east and west from turning at the same time. In addition, queues for these turn  lanes back up into the adjacent through lanes, … Continued

Street Resurfacing and Curb Ramps 2015-2016

Project Description: These two projects include installation of hot mix asphalt and/or micro-surfacing treatments at various locations throughout the City. This project also includes installation of American’s With Disability Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps, curb, gutter, and sidewalk. Curb ramps must be installed prior to resurfacing of streets per federal law.   Project Status: Ghilotti Construction Company has been awarded the project. Tentative … Continued

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