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Last week for businesses to apply for FREE indoor compost bins!

Posted on April 27, 2022


man holding green bin with recycling arrows

The City of San Rafael in partnership with Zero Waste Marin is offering eligible businesses in San Rafael the opportunity to get up to $600 in FREE indoor compost bins! This program goes until funds run out and ends on May 1, 2022.

As per new state law SB1383, all businesses are required to subscribe to organics recycling service and actively teach their employees how to compost correctly to keep food scraps and yard waste out of our landfills (where they produce massive amounts of greenhouse gases!). The City wants to make this transition easier for businesses who do not currently have the equipment necessary to comply with the law.

Eligible businesses include:

  • Businesses who are not currently enrolled in Marin Sanitary Service’s organics recycling service
  • Businesses who have less than 50 employees
  • Businesses who are NOT already Food 2 Energy program participants

To get your compost bins:

  1. Contact Marin Sanitary Service to enroll in organics recycling service for your business
    1. Call 415-456-2601 or email
  2. Fill out an application and select what style indoor compost bins you’d like with online form available at:

Once your application is approved and your bins are ordered, MSS will schedule a COVID-safe in-person site visit to deliver your compost bins and provide advice on proper organics recycling.

For more information, please visit:

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