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Francisco Blvd East project update

Posted on July 19, 2021


The Francisco Blvd East Sidewalk project is almost complete! Next week the contractor will be removing the traffic control that has been blocking off a portion of the street during construction. The final steps are to finish installing the new streetlights, remove the old lights, finish a few remaining sidewalk sections, and finish the installation of a fiber interconnect cable that helps the traffic signals talk to each other. The City has decided that due to the drought and high summer temperatures, the planting of trees will be delayed until the Fall.

Now that the Sidewalk project is coming to an end, the City plans to go out to bid later this month for the Francisco Blvd East Resurfacing project. This long-awaited project will resurface Francisco Blvd East from Vivian Street to the Grand Avenue Bridge. This resurfacing project will be funded by voter approved State Bill 1 Gas Tax funds. Once bids are opened and the contact is awarded by City Council, construction will likely occur in Fall 2021. Unlike the sidewalk project that was able to use the middle lane in order to do the work during the daytime, the Resurfacing project will be done at night over the course of a few weeks.

For more information visit the city website: https://www.cityofsanrafael.org/francisco-sidewalk-project/


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