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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: Outdoor Dining, New City Curbside Services, Health Officers Pledge, & More

Posted on June 1, 2020

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We know how important it is for our San Rafael Businesses to reopen, so we’ve partnered with the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Business Improvement District to support our incredible business community as best as possible. 

Over the weekend we created a free and automatic temporary permit process for businesses to use the sidewalk space in front of their business for outdoor dining or retail. Restaurants and shops that meet the requirements can fill out the online form and be granted an automatic temporary permit. As of today, we’ve received submissions from the following restaurants and retailers: 

  • Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria 
  • Gaspare’s Pizzeria Ristorante Bar 
  • Los Moles 
  • The Kitchen Table 
  • Tenkyu Japanese Restaurant 
  • Tam Commons Tap Room & Kitchen 
  • Extreme Pizza 
  • Vin Antico 
  • Sling-it Lacrosse 

We’ll keep you informed as more businesses optin for outdoor dining and retail! 

As a diner or shopper, please always remember to wear your face covering and maintain 6-feet from others whenever possible. Also, please only dine with members of your household and comply with the protocols put in place by the business.  

City Council Meeting Tonight 

Tonight’s City Council meeting will be streamed live starting at 7 p.m. on our YouTube ChannelTopics on tonight’s agenda include: granting the City Manager further discretion to support businesses with reopening, paramedic tax rate, an appeal for 104 Shaver Street, and employee work agreements. 

To have your comments read aloud, write PUBLIC COMMENT before your message in the live chat section on YouTube. You can also participate by telephone by calling (669) 900-9128, check out tonight’s City Council video description for the meeting ID.  Also, if you want your name included make sure to introduce yourself! 

Not interested in commenting live? Email your comments to Lindsay Lara, City Clerk, prior to the meeting. 

San Rafael Libraries Opening for Curbside Services 

Starting on Wednesday, June 3 the Downtown and Pickleweed library locations will be opening for curbside pickup! Appointments are required. For your safety and ours, staff will not engage with patrons face-to-face except to place checked-out materials on a table. All patrons must wear a face covering. 

To make an appointment: 

  • Call 415-485-3323 for Downtown or 415-485-3483 for Pickleweed during open hours 
  • You can place items on hold using our online catalog 
  • When you get an email notification informing you that your holds are ready for pick-up, call to make an appointment. 

Health Officers Pledge to Remain United 

The circumstances we’re experiencing as a community are of that like none before, and the Health Officers in the Bay Area feel strongly that partnering to make decisions together is the best way for the region to tackle the challenges of this crisis. 

Earlier today, the Public Health Officers from Marin, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, and Santa Clara counties and the City of Berkeley released a statement vowing “to remain united in their commitment to work together as a region” and “continue doing all that they can to protect the most vulnerable and keep everyone safe.” 


Marin County Offices Begin Reopening 

Starting this week, the County of Marin will begin reopening a number of their in-person customer service offices. Residents and visitors are encouraged to continue utilizing online services and will need to make appointments for in-person visits. Residents with in-person appointments are required to wear face coverings to receive service in compliance with the updated orders. County staff will wear masks as well. Check out their website for more detailed service updates in anticipation of the revised Public Health Order.  

COVID-19 Testing Opportunities 

If you’ve continued working during the COVID-19 pandemic and are frequently coming into contact with the public, this means you are strongly encouraged to get tested for COVID-19 

There are several ways to get tested in San Rafael. You can call your medical provider to see if they offer testing; most do. If you don’t have health insurance, you can get tested for free by calling 1-888-634-1123 or visiting lhi.care/covidtesting to make an appointment. Multilingual staff are available to assist with both appointment scheduling and testing. 



    • Text “MARIN COVID” to 46811 for text notifications. 
    • Text “MARIN COVID [email address]” to 46811 for email notifications. 
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