Veen Firm Letter to City Attorney Epstein
Veen Firm Letter To City Attorney Epstein Redacted
Veen Firm Letter To City Attorney Epstein Redacted
CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS 9/19/2022 Good evening, I am Rob Epstein. I am the city attorney of San Rafael. By having an elected city attorney, our City is different from all the other cities and towns in Marin as well as the County, all of whom appoint their legal counsel. For the past two weeks, I … Continued
Un reciente incidente policial ha recibido considerable atención pública. Dos policías de San Rafael utilizaron la fuerza durante el arresto de un hombre de la localidad el 27 de julio. El hombre alegó ante el tribunal que los oficiales usaron fuerza excesiva y mintieron en sus informes policiales. Después de revisar los hechos, la oficina … Continued
For Immediate Release The City of San Rafael’s elected City Attorney, Rob Epstein, addressed the audience at Tuesday night’s City Council meeting, following hours of public comment from community members expressing their concerns about a recent police use of force incident. During his remarks, which you view at the link below, Epstein made clear that … Continued