Category: Age-Friendly San Rafael
The City of San Rafael is excited to announce that, following the County’s updated Public Health Order, we will be opening the Terra Linda Community Pool on July 6. The Health Order lays out specific guidelines for pool capacity and safe operations, which will impact the programs that the City is able to offer this … Continued
The San Rafael Age-Friendly Task Force is happy and grateful to announce that we have received a matching grant from the Marin Community Foundation (MCC) and the Marin County Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The City of San Rafael made the grant possible by matching the funds that were available through MCF/HHS. The grant funds will be … Continued
The City of San Rafael was recently designated as a member of the World Health Organization’s Global Network for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities.
We are excited to announce that this week we were accepted in the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities (the World Health Organization United States Affiliate). At the September 5th City Council meeting, we learned that 25% of the population in Marin is 60 or older in San Rafael and of this group half are 75 … Continued