Canal Neighborhood Pedestrian Safety Improvements


Project goals

  • Install ADA accessible curb ramps at the intersections of  Kerner Boulevard & Sonoma Street and Vivian Street & Belvedere Street
  • Refresh crosswalks and striping at various intersections throughout the Canal neighborhood
  • Install eight new rapid rectangular flashing beacon (RRFB) systems at high-use pedestrian intersections
  • Improve pedestrian safety in the Canal neighborhood and on the Safe Routes to School network


Planning/Design $60,000
Construction TAM Measure A funds: $348,000
Gas Tax funds: $35,000
Traffic Mitigation funds: $377,000
Total: $760,000


Over the past two years, the City received multiple grants from the Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) to improve crosswalks at key locations in the Canal neighborhood, as well as on Mission Avenue behind San Rafael High School.

Proposed improvements and safety enhancements include installations of:

  • ADA curb ramps
  • Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons
  • Quick-build bulb outs
  • Street lighting
  • Restriping of crosswalks with new, high visibility striping in seven locations:
    • Medway Road & Mill Street
    • Medway Road & Front Street
    • Belvedere Street & Vivian Street
    • Kerner Boulevard & Sonoma Street
    • Canal Street-Spinnaker Point Drive & Bahia Way
    • Bellam Boulevard & Vista del Mar
    • Bellam Boulevard & Windward Way (street light improvements only)

TAM also authorized staff to construct pedestrian improvements at Mission Avenue and Park Street, and Mission Avenue and Alice Street to support safe access to San Rafael High School.

In May 2021, City Council awarded a construction contract to Team Ghilotti, Inc. The City has also retained construction management firm, Park Engineering, to oversee the project. Construction will begin in June 2021 and is scheduled to be completed in October 2021.

Construction and Impacts

On June 2, 2021, Team Ghilotti will mobilize their crews into the Canal neighborhood and start the process of laying out the aforementioned improvements. This project will temporarily reroute pedestrians when the contractor is working on upgrading the curb ramps and installing the RRFB’s. It will also affect several on street parking stalls and temporarily not allow parking in the affected stalls while the construction is on-going.

Due to the on-going pandemic, the electrical equipment is going to be delayed and the contractor will temporarily demobilize their crews after the curb ramps and crosswalks are complete and remobilize to install the electrical equipment.

Canal Neighborhood Pedestrian Safety Improvements Project


Advertised to solicit contractor bids March 25, 2021
Bids due April, 20 2021
City Council action to award construction contract May 3, 2021
Construction June 2020 - October 2021

Project contact

James Beauchamp, EIT | Resident Engineer, Park Engineering

Shawn Graf, EIT, LSIT | Assistant Engineer

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