2018 Program
The City along with Van Midde and Son Concrete hit an important milestone last week. More than 50% of the scheduled work for the 2018 program has now been completed. This represents over 16,500 square feet of new sidewalk in the city. That’s over 30 cement trucks worth of concrete weighting the equivalent of two 747’s (1,000,000 pounds)! In the past month sidewalk has been replaced on D Street, Marin, Clayton, and Clorinda Avenue. Work is anticipated to be completed in Gerstle Park in October.
Following work in Gerstle Park, Van Midde and Son Concrete will be doing work on Greenfield Avenue and then work in the Peacock Gap neighborhood. Work on Greenfield Avenue is being coordinated with repaving which is scheduled there as part of the 2019 Citywide Resurfacing project. It is important that new curb and gutters are installed prior to resurfacing so that the new surface is not damaged during the curb and gutter replacement process.

*The City highly encourages residents to remove concrete from the planter strip area. In the two pictures above you see that the concrete to the right is not replaced but instead removed. This allows for more vegetation, additional area for water to infiltrate into the ground which reduces the risk of flooding and increase water quality, and less hardscape to absorb heat during the day.
2019 Program
City staff have been out conducting inspections for all applicants in the 2019 program. These inspections including measuring quantities, identifying repairs required, and photographic documentation. This is all done on a smartphone with an application the City developed. Once this information is collected it is exported and processed so that the information is clear and concise for property owners to interpret. Inspections will be finished in October and the results will be emailed to applicants shortly thereafter.