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Street Resurfacing & Curb Ramps 2018-2019

Posted on July 17, 2019

Project Description: These two projects include installation of hot mix asphalt and/or micro-surfacing treatments at various locations throughout the City. This project also includes installation of American’s With Disability Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps, curb, gutter, and sidewalk. Curb ramps must be installed prior to resurfacing of streets per federal law.

Project Status: Below is a list of roads that will potentially be a part of this project. This list is subject to change.

Street Name From To
Second Street Shaver D Street
Third Street Hayes E Street
Fourth Street Lootens Place C Street
Belle Avenue Grand Avenue Grand Avenue
Canal Street Sonoma Street End
El Prado Avenue Merrydale Road Corrillo Drive
Grand Avenue Linden Lane Belle Avenue
Greenfield Avenue Spring Grove Avenue 4th Street
Hoag Avenue Francisco Blvd East Canal Street
Las Flores Avenue El Prado Avenue Corrillo Drive
Miranda Avenue Las Flores Avenue Corrillo Drive
Bellam Blvd Francisco Blvd East Kerner Blvd
Andersen and Francisco Blvd East Bellam Blvd HWY 101 NB
Villa Avenue Grand Avenue HWY 101 NB
Fifth Avenue Happy Lane K Street
Grand Avenue Second Street 160′ South of Bridge
Kerner Blvd 20′ North of Box Culvert 150′ South of Box Culvert
Fourth Street Ross Valley Drive 190′ East of Rose Valley Drive
Scenic Avenue Fifth Avenue Santa Margarita Drive


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