The Village at Loch Lomond Marina Project
Address: 110 Loch Lomond Drive
Project No.: ZC04-02, ED04-063, TS04-001, UP04-001
Master Developer
(Construction of subdivision, park improvements, utilities, and infrastructure):
Marina Village Associates, LLC
1999 Avenue of the Stars
Suite 2850
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Attn: Thomas DiPrima
(Phase 2 of “The Strand” and Mixed-Use Building):
Tru Mark Homes
3001 Bishop Drive, Suite 100
San Ramon, CA 94583
Attn: Robin Miller
Marina Owner:
SHM Loch Lomond
C/O: Safeharbor Marinas LLC
14785 Preston Rd, Ste 975
Dallas, TX 75254
Attn: Jeremy Grewel
City of San Rafael Project Contact:
Leslie Mendez
(415) 485-3095

The Loch Lomond Marina. . .

Village at Loch Lomond Marina Mixed-Use Development. . .
- Retention of the existing full-service marina including public launch, fueling facilities, harbormaster’s office, and boat repair. Of the 517 boat berths, 52 were approved for “liveaboards’ allowing permanent residency. As part of the marina improvements, the existing breakwater, which separates the marina basin from the bay, was required to be reinforced and raised.
- Development of a new Andy’s Market, a full-service grocery store, on the west side of the marina site. North of the market, a new mixed-use building is approved to include neighborhood commercial uses and services.
- Development of 81 residential units in four housing types: detached, single-family residences, detached residential cottages, townhomes, and residential condominiums (developed in a separate mixed-use building). Of the 81 units, 17 were required to be sold to owners that qualify in the “below-market-rate” household income levels of low- and moderate-income (BMR Units). In 2020, project approvals were amended to allow a "buy-out" of six of the 17 required BMR units.
- Development of an expansive marina green, boardwalk and both active park (playground) and passive park (walking trails/paths, picnic areas) areas. The City approvals require that these recreation amenities be retained in private ownership but be open and accessible to the public.
- Enhancement, expansion, and preservation of an existing seasonal wetland, which is located at the eastern edge of the marina site.
- City approvals require that all the above improvements be constructed/installed by the property owner/developer.
- As the publicly accessible recreation amenities are to be retained in private ownership the City approvals require the establishment of a “Community Facilities District” (“CFD”, Mello-Roos District) to ensure long-term maintenance of these facilities. The CFD requires that the property owners within the geographic boundaries of this district (marina property boundaries comprised of the marina owners, commercial property owners and residential owners) be responsible for the cost of maintenance. Once the district is established, the annual cost for maintenance is included on the property owner’s annual property tax bill.
The City approval documents addressing environmental impacts, property zoning and land use project design and subdivision area available as follows:
- City Council Resolution #12330(Certification of Final EIR and Adoption of CEQA Findings and Approving Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program)
- Exhibit A(Errata and Supplement)
- Exhibit B(Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program)
- Ordinance #1860 (Amendments to Planned Development Zoning for Loch Lomond Marina Project)
- City Council Resolution #12332 (Approval of Environmental and Design Review Permit and Master Use Permit and Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map)

Current Status. . .
- All of the subdivision improvements and utilities have been installed.
- The new Andy’s Market has been constructed and is open for business.
- The publicly accessible marina green, boardwalk and park facilities are complete and open for public use. In addition, the upgrades to the marina breakwater have been completed, which includes a paved public path that is accessible to the public. Outstanding recreation improvements yet to be constructed are a kayak dock (adjacent to the boat launch) and kayak launch (near the entrance to the breakwater). The kayak facilities are expected to be permitted and installed by late 2021.
- The seasonal wetland restoration has been completed and fenced to prohibit access to the area and to ensure protection of wildlife.
- The first phase of the residential development (“The Strand”) is completed. Forty-four (44) homes have been built and are occupied.
- Tru Mark Homes has purchased the second phase of The Strand, which consists of 32 homes. Building permit applications are in process and the homes are expected to start construction in Summer 2021.
- Tru Marin Homes is working with MVA to purchase and built the mixed-use building. It is expected that construction will commence in late 2021.
- A building permit has been issued for the development of a new harbormaster’s office. Construction is expected to be completed in 2021.
- City building permit applications have been filed for the approved boat repair/marina utility building and the refacing of the Loch Lomond Yacht Club. It is anticipated that the construction of these buildings will commence in spring 2021.
- At present, the marina boat fueling facilities are not in operation. City permits for the fueling facility are ready to be issued pending the approval of permits from other State and Federal regulatory agencies. New fueling facilities are expected to be on-line in the near future.
- The “CFD” Mello-Roos District established in 2010. The tax amount for the property owners within the marina district is confirmed and adjusted annually by the City Council. For new resident property owners in the “The Strand,” the assessment is capped at approximately $2,000 per residential unit, per year. The “below-market-rate” units are exempt from this assessment. The assessment will appear on the property owner’s tax bill commencing in November 2017. A link to the July 17, 2017 City Council staff report on the “CFD” is provided below under “Links for more information. . .”
- In 2020, the San Rafael City Council approved a new Subdivision Improvement Agreement for the development. The agreement sets forth terms and approved plans for improvements to the playground area on the eastern jetty and the entrance to the break water. These areas flood during peak storm events and King tides. These improvements which will remedy this periodic flooding are scheduled to commence in 2021 and be complete by early 2022.

Project Plans. . .
Project plans, as well as City files containing reports and technical studies are available for review at the City of San Rafael Department of Community Development, Planning Division.
Links to more information. . .
Point San Pedro Road Coalition- Loch Lomond Marina webpage: