The emergency power shut downs by PG&E generated high traffic volumes in San Rafael. The California Vehicle Code states that signalized intersections should be treated as all-way stops when the traffic signals go dark. However, many motorists did not abide by these traffic rules and regulations. The Public Works’ Parks and Streets Divisions worked quickly to place temporary STOP signs at the signalized intersections, particularly in downtown and the main arterials.
Public Works is piloting battery back-up systems (BBS) that will provide for up to 12 hours or to go on red flash for up to 24 hours. The system also comes with a back-up generator hook up just in case we need to install generators when the batteries are used up. Public Works will install and test the new BBS system at three designated intersections. If the test is successful, DPW will acquire additional BBS as funds permit, focused on our most critical intersections, until all of our signals are backed-up.