Does the library provide access to eBooks?
Yes! Read online or download thousands of eBooks, eAudioBooks, and cover-to-cover digital editions of popular magazines, newspapers, and journals.
Yes! Read online or download thousands of eBooks, eAudioBooks, and cover-to-cover digital editions of popular magazines, newspapers, and journals.
Yes! Check out our events calendar for featured classes, programs, and more for everyone–in English and Spanish–at our two libraries.
Yes! Both of the public libraries have free wifi. The network is called Midas and is available 24/7. No password is required.
Yes, but if someone has placed a request for the book then it will not be available. The overdue late charge will be added to your account.
No, it will not be overdue. All items returned to the book drop between the close of business and opening on the following day will be checked in with the previous day.
There are two ways to get a card. (1) Fill out our online library card registration form which will provide you with an account. You must meet the required criteria. Please see the Online Library Card FAQ for more information. (2) Come into the library with a picture ID that has your current address or a … Continued