FAQ Topic: Freitas/101 Roundabout project
The roundabout will be signed for 20 miles per hour (mph). Northbound right turning traffic is required to make a sharp right turn into their entry. The design speed of this entry is less than that of the circulatory roadway. Advance warning and guide signs on all approaches will advise motorists of recommended speed and … Continued
Bicycle facilities are provided within the roundabout for the north-south direction. Facilitates may also be extended north to the existing bike lanes on Redwood Hwy. There are no dedicated bicycle facilities within the interchange nor along Manuel Freitas west of the interchange.
Traffic counts were performed in 2019 and forecasted out to 2041 taking into account anticipated growth shown in the 2040 General Plan.
The extended separation of northbound through and northbound right turn traffic will make it easier for eastbound left turn traffic to gauge perspective gaps. This allows traffic on Manuel T Freitas Parkway to turn left into their own entry without competing with the northbound off-ramp right turning vehicles. In addition, transverse rumble strips can be … Continued