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Third Street Improvement Project Weekly Update – 09/15/2023

Posted on September 15, 2023

 moon with stars


The Third Street Rehabilitation project will begin nightwork paving in September 22nd, lasting a few weeks. Night work begins on Monday evenings at 8pm and ends Saturday mornings at 6am.

workers with heavy machinery on roadway

The City of San Rafael will be sending out weekly project updates with construction updates, traffic closure updates, and other relevant information for this project. To receive these updates, please sign up using the form at the left-hand side of the project website.

THIS WEEK  September 11 – September 15

  • Construction crews removed and replaced sections of failed paving in preparation for paving on Second Street and Third Street.
  • Crews lowered manhole frames and covers in preparation of paving Second Street and Third Street.

NEXT WEEK  September 18 – September 22

  • Crews will activate the new traffic signal at Third Street and Brooks Street. This is a changed condition so motorists should be alert.
  • Crews will prepare for paving operations and surveying Second Street between Fourth Street and Shaver Street. This work will require a lane closure on Second Street.
  • Crews will lower manhole covers and valve boxes on Second Street and Third Street in preparation for the paving of Second Street. The work will require a lane closure on Second Street and Third Street.
  • On 9/22, crews will begin the Nightwork paving on Second Street. This work will be performed between the hours of 8 pm and 6 am to mitigate traffic impacts.


  • For the Lane Shift on Second Street, the posted speed limit is 25 mph. Drivers should be aware of changed conditions and be alert.
  • Traffic Controls (temporary signs, message boards, traffic cones, delineators and detour signs) will be put in place to direct motorists through the work area.
  • Curb parking spaces will be marked “No Parking.”



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