This past Wednesday February 3, City Staff presented a second alternative to the Third and Lindaro intersection at the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). This second alternative was a result of public input received after the City Staff presented a recommendation to City Council in November 2020. This recommendation showed the closure of a driveway on the north side of 3rd Street that accesses a City owned parking lot. The second alternative presented at BPAC is an Exit Only southbound from the driveway that meets most of the City goals and addresses several of the community comments. BPAC and the community weighed in on the two alternatives at the meeting. Overall, there appeared to be support for the Exit Only approach, in what some BPAC members expressed was a good compromise between all modes of transportation.
City Staff is still receiving feedback from the community over the next few days and pending any new developments that represent a fatal flaw, we plan to proceed with design based on the exit only alternative. We intend to bring this project to Council for construction contract approval in late Spring for construction set to begin this summer. Our plan is to bring the project forward with the exit only alternative as the recommendation, but the Council is, of course, free to make any changes or even return to the original closure plan should you wish to do so.