The City of San Rafael is a full-service city, where we work hard to provide the best service to our nearly 60,000 residents. As part of our vision to improve on our service delivery, we’re constantly challenging ourselves as an organization to “reimagine the status quo” by taking every opportunity we can to find innovative solutions to organizational and community challenges. To that end, we recently launched the Department of Digital Service and Open Government to help us deliver better City services. You may be asking, “Why is this important?” or “How does this impact me?” Well, in addition to providing the technology operations services required to keep the lights on at City Hall, this new department will take a close look at how we do government. To make this happen, the new department, led by Rebecca Woodbury, will work directly with City staff and with the community to make sure that we’re designing our services for the user (residents, business owners, etc.), practicing continual improvement, using data to drive to decisions, and modernizing our technology stack. To learn more about the Department of Digital Service and Open Government, visit our website.