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Summer 2021 update on dredging and Umbrella Permitting letter sent to Channel waterfront property owners

Posted on July 7, 2021

July 2 letter to waterfront

Read the full letter sent on July 2, 2021

On July 2, 2021 the City sent a letter to all San Rafael Channel (Canal) waterfront property owners with an update on dredging and the Umbrella Permitting process, given that the Channel was now awarded $6,75m towards dredging in the 2022 President’s budget.

A link to the letter in full is above, but the summary of the letter was as follows:

  • 2022 President’s Budget included $6.75m for San Rafael Channel dredging
  • Inclusion in President’s Budget nearly guarantees Channel will be dredged 2022
  • Final cost of dredging still being determined by US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) design team – may be within $6.75m or may need additional funding
  • The USACE is only responsible for dredging the Federal Channel (see diagram included in letter). Private property owners are responsible for dredging from their private docks up to the Federal Channel
  • Since the USACE is providing for mobilization of the dredging contractor, it will be cost effective for waterfront property owners to have their private docks dredged in conjunction with the USACE dredging
  • Property owners wanting to “piggyback” on the USACE summer 2022 dredging for their private dredging will need permits from regulatory agencies and a separate agreement with the USACE dredging contractor in advanced
  • To make the permitting process easier and more cost effective for property owners, the City is aggregating private properties wanting to dredge in summer 2022 under a single Umbrella Permit for review and approval by various SF Bay regulatory agencies
  • Property owners wanting to participate in the Umbrella Permit can still sign up by filling out the online form at by July 25, 2021.
  • Property owners who have already signed up for the Umbrella Permit should review proposed dredging limits for their property at:
  • For property owners who do not wish to participate in the City’s aggregate Umbrella Permit, no action from this letter is required

Updates on dredging can always be found at

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