The San Rafael Sanitation District just opened bids on June 4, 2019 for the Forbes Avenue Sewer Improvements Project, which includes El Cerrito Avenue and 21-141 Fairhills Drive (Easement). The project consists of replacing 2,945 lineal feet of sanitary sewer pipeline, in which 2,650 lineal feet will be pipe-bursted and 295 lineal feet will be cut open. The project should begin in July 2019.
The 2018 Sewer Pipe Repair and Replacement Project – Phase 1 is progressing on schedule. The project consists of eight various locations in San Rafael. The contractor, D’Arcy & Harty Construction Inc., has completed the installation of a sanitary sewer pipe at West Crescent Drive, Center Street between H and J Streets, and Saint Francis Lane. D’Arcy & Harty Construction Inc. will begin work at four Easement locations: 317 Laurel Place, 253 Union Street, 3 Broadview Avenue, and 125 Altena Street, which are all located on private property.