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San Rafael Traffic Signal Upgrade – Wednesday, 2/3/2021

Posted on February 2, 2021

Starting at 9 AM on Wednesday, February 3, the City’s contractor, Econolite, will upgrade the firmware at each signalized intersection in the list below. The traffic signal will go into flash for about a cycle length (90 seconds) during the update. These updates will allow Public Works crews to better access the traffic signal network remotely.

For any questions or concerns, please contact the City project manager Lauren Davini at (415) 485-3361 or

    1. 4th & Lincoln
    2. 4th & Tamalpais
    3. 4th & Hetherton
    4. 4th & Irwin
    5. 4th & Grand
    6. 3rd & E St
    7. 3rd & D St
    8. 3rd & C St
    9. 3rd & B St
    10. 3rd & A St
    11. 3rd & Lindaro
    12. 3rd & Lincoln
    13. 3rd & Tamalpais
    14. 3rd & Hetherton
    15. 3rd & Irwin
    16. 3rd & Grand
    17. 2nd & E St
    18. 2nd & D St
    19. 2nd & C St
    20. 2nd & B St
    21. 2nd & A St
    22. 2nd & Lindaro
    23. 2nd & Lincoln
    24. 2nd & Tamalpais
    25. 2nd & Hetherton
    26. 2nd & Irwin
    27. 2nd & Grand
    28. 3rd & Union
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