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Snapshot –Fire Dispatch Services, City News, Events and More!!!

Posted on March 1, 2024

Snapshot en Español


Spotlight Photo

tree next to sidewalk with art

Photo Credit: Bernadette Sullivan, City Manager’s Office

Last Quiz Question

Congrats to Ronda Cordero! They were the first to answer our Snapshot quiz. Last week’s photo featured the Terra Linda High School Track, Go Trojans! Thanks for reading Snapshot! Scroll down to see this edition’s quiz and be the first to answer.

San Rafael City News

The City Council will meet on Monday, March 4, 2024.

City Council Special Meeting – 3:00 p.m.

Presentation from Jacob Green and Associates, Inc. (JGA): City governance and strategic planning best practice

The presentation will initiate the first phase of the City’s Priority Goal Setting process intended to build alignment around the City Council’s vision for the upcoming fiscal year. In the second phase, held at a future City Council meeting, the community will have an opportunity to review proposed Council priorities that will be developed by staff and provide input before priorities are finalized and adopted.

City Council Closed Session

The City Council will hold a closed session immediately following the special meeting.

Regular City Council Meeting – 6:00 p.m. *Note new regular start time

SAFE Team Annual Report

The City Council will receive an update on the Specialized Assistance for Everyone (SAFE) Team. This program, managed by Petaluma People Services Center, employs crisis counselors and medical staff to address a range of mental health-related emergencies. Operational since March 2023, the SAFE Team’s effectiveness in promptly responding to and managing such crises, collaboration with local organizations, and innovative approach in combining trauma-informed care with public safety, will be the focus of the report, showcasing progress in community-responsive care.

Read the Staff Report

Mid-Year Budget Adjustments & Personnel Changes

The City Council will present a proclamation honoring Mark Hedeen’s retirement after an incredible 55 years of service in the San Rafael Police Department. Hedeen’s extensive tenure with the department spans roles including Reserve Police Officer, Open Space Ranger, and Marine Unit Reserve Officer. His leadership and contributions to the operational success of the Police Department’s Marine Unit include earning awards for outstanding service which reflect his dedication to safeguarding San Rafael’s waterways.

Read the Staff Report

2040 General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Reports

The City Council will receive a presentation of the Annual Progress Report on San Rafael’s 2040 General Plan and Housing Element. The Housing Element represents the City’s plan for conserving and maintaining its housing supply, removing regulatory barriers to housing production, and meeting the housing needs of all residents, including lower-income households and persons with special needs. Staff will also present an update on the City’s General Plan 2040.  The General Plan is San Rafael’s strategic framework, created to help guide future community growth and development, and covers topics such as land use, transportation, housing, open space, natural resources, and public services.

Read the Staff Report

Other News

Northgate Mall Redevelopment Draft Environmental Impact Report Released

The City of San Rafael released the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Northgate Mall Redevelopment Project. Required for certain development projects under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) serves as an informational document that identifies and analyzes the potential environmental impacts of a proposed project and the mitigation measures, if any, that are needed to address those impacts.

The public may review and provide comments and questions on the DEIR until March 5, 2024, at 5:00 pm. Following this period, the City will prepare a Final EIR which will include responses to all substantive comments received on the Draft EIR. The Draft EIR and Final EIR will be considered by the Planning Commission and City Council in making the decision to certify the EIR and approve or deny the project.

The public is encouraged to visit to access the DEIR and accompanying materials and to learn more about the proposed project and public review process.

Marin Countywide Electrification Roadmap Survey

Every five years, the City of San Rafael, along with the County of Marin and ten other local jurisdictions, update their Multi-Jurisdictional Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP). The plan, required by FEMA, outlines mitigation strategies and projects to reduce the impacts of natural hazards, including sea level rise, earthquakes, wildfires, floods and more. You can view an interactive map here, which shows the potential impact of these natural hazards near individual homes, workplaces, and other community resources. You can review the proposed projects for San Rafael and all jurisdictions in Marin. Your feedback is important; you can provide your input by taking this brief five-minute survey.

PG&E Financial Assistance and Energy Saving Solutions

PG&E offers a variety of financial assistance and energy-saving solutions to help manage and reduce energy costs for its customers. These include flexible payment arrangement plans, budget billing to even out monthly bill amounts, and the Arrearage Management Plan (AMP) for reducing unpaid energy bill balances. These programs are designed to assist a wide range of customers, from those needing immediate financial help to pay past-due bills, to those looking for ways to reduce future energy bills through discounts and energy efficiency improvements. Check out the links below for detailed information on PG&E’s programs.


kids in rainboots walking through flooded roadway

Members of the community gathered at Albert Boro Community Center on King Tide Day to measure high water levels throughout the community and collect data about flood risks. The event took place on February 10, during the highest tides of the year. Attendees learned more about the potential hazards that accompany high water levels and then dispersed in teams throughout the area to collect data.

LAST CITY COUNCIL MEETING on February 20, 2024

At the February 20 City Council meeting, the City Council:

  • Held a closed-session conference with legal counsel.
  • Heard City Manager and Councilmember reports.
  • Approved the consent calendar.
  • Heard a special presentation of a Proclamation honoring Mark Hedeen, Retiring after 55 Years of Service in the San Rafael Police Department.
  • Approved an agreement for 9-1-1 emergency communications & fire dispatch services.
  • Held open time for public expression.

City Council meetings are held every first and third Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. City Council meetings that fall on a holiday are rescheduled for the following Tuesday.


Canal Youth Art Contest Ages 6-18

Saturday, March 9, 1:00 p.m., Albert J. Boro Community Center, 50 Canal St., San Rafael CA 94901

This event, sponsored by Voces del Canal and Flock Safety, invites participants to artistically express their ideas about the Canal community’s future. It emphasizes the role of residents, the City, community partners, and public safety in making a positive difference. Set for March 9th, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., the contest provides art supplies for participants and requires artwork submissions by 3:00 p.m. on the same day for consideration. Prizes will be awarded in three age categories, and attendees can find more contest details at the event. This is an opportunity for young artists to demonstrate how collaboration and unity can shape a promising future for the Canal neighborhood and community.

90 and Better Celebration

Sunday, March 10, 2024, San Rafael Community Center, 618 B Street.

The Age-Friendly San Rafael Community Partnership is hosting a special celebration honoring our residents who are 90 years old and better! The celebration will be held at the San Rafael Community Center on Sunday, March 10, 2024, from 3:00 p.m-4:30 p.m. If you know someone that is 90 years or better and wants to attend, please RSVP here.

We are looking forward to an afternoon of fun, food, music, and celebrating our 90 years or better residents!

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) Meeting

Tuesday, March 12, 6:00 p.m., San Rafael Public Safety Center, Emergency Operations Center, 1375 Fifth Ave, San Rafael, California

The next meeting of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is scheduled for March 12, at 6:00 p.m. Community members can participate and provide public comment in person at the San Rafael Public Safety Center, Emergency Operations Center, 1375 Fifth Ave, San Rafael, California, or you can watch the meeting via Zoom. To view agendas and staff reports, and for the Zoom link to watch the BPAC meeting live, visit the BPAC’s public meeting webpage.


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brick pathway between tall fences

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