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SMART Larkspur Extension: Realignment Update

Posted on April 19, 2019


The SMART Larkspur Extension construction work on the Francisco Blvd. West realignment and Phase-1 of the Multi-Use Path (from Rice Street to Andersen Drive) is nearing completion. Although most of the work for both Francisco Blvd West and the MUP has been completed, there is a lot of work needed to be done on the SMART tracks before they can be opened. The latest proposed reopening of Francisco Blvd West and the MUP from Rice to Andersen is mid to late June. Higher than average rainfall and SMART property swap delays have slowed the process and has pushed the completion date back. SMART needs to lay the track between Rice and Andersen before completing the MUP, and that is scheduled to be finished in mid-June.

Crossing over Rice Drive
Rice Drive looking South
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